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CAPES AND FURS The Busiest Place in Washtenaw County is Our Great Cloak Department. - lhis beasons BuyintJ and tilis Season's Cloak selling is unexampled in the Cloak trade and demonstrates how entireiy the ladies rely upon The Store for their waaps and Fur Garments. We have received this week two entire lines of Agents' Samples, made by New York's best manufacturersr-These Coats and Capes are all bought at 1-3 the regular manufacturéis price, every one of which are up to style garments in style, make and material. The buyer gets the benefit of this cheap purchase but as there are only about 200 of them those who want the benefit of this purchase should lose no time in making their selection. TH ANKSGIVING SALES ! lk Imported Cape. 200 Sample Garmems, al] ,,e. aml UylM,. „o two alikc-, wiil P Vdouide Kord and PksCapefulUweep. EmbroWered Sjj9 ík 1_3 Off Regular Valué. V" W ur. ie 'atest Berlin Btyles. Regular price $15.00 to W!J 25 different styles Ladies' Fine Chinchilla vdRJia. $5'' wi" 'H' M ' '' "' jM L Tlk_ and Fur Beaver Coats, make the ven sweli& ik _, - .. p -, p% pp q ffijSh 'JHb es gannents tf tlie seasoti, we have them in Black, Navy Jffl & v. iv J 1 - 1 V- VI 1 - _) . Hm B B and Oxford mixed. Our Sample Purchase enables you Ërn WL JM R to get them at $7.50 to $20. Made from the finest doublé faced bcotch mixture Tartán A m. Ladies' Fine Kersey Coats u--w? made & L illitid ni"at - - so.oo t..s'.-.oo. A K garments. plain and beautifully apliqued, Black, Navy, Êt A jfc. Ba Tan and Oxford mixed, 15 to $30, J9 fll - iV ri iPIP jH A trade this fall and are dressy and durable. We have made M M0 Swk Clotlis in blue-black, brown, WSly IW K HP lar styles and popular prices - how well we have Ij Jff:fwffl!ll Ing at S7 "O to ƒ ' pJA- ffljMMMW"Y ceeded is shown by the ever-increasing, ever growing trade in l wk ■ :;'WiiiuKlè f i il fll I I -r-v-r -y r tt i H Bi.'hHHËBa be found in a stylish all I i il í Vv P OttPY TOT iNi OVPTT1 npr L■ :; aWWiMlttilllii ■ ƒ ' 1 1 L I I 8 1.11. styles and make- of the finest Berlin Beaver in all" We sell them at - $7.50. f" 1 ttÊÊBkim mkÊsÊSËEf4 ors; are strictly $20.00 values, to sell at - $14.35 - - '■ - '- ■ - Worumbo Beaver Garments are the finest and dressiest made. „_ .__ . ■ mip" J jt - We have them in long tailor made styles. in the best ■ CllllCLrGUS SiUCL ÍtLISSOS i-jPgU. A 'rrnl rraVals shades at - - - $18.00 and $20.00. nf frïjiui rav - Ladies' Worsted Garments.- Are always a staPie . g- - p Dss-fsr SSffl Freuch Conv. si 25 article in our Cloak Department. This year the very 0 11 Sf VOrtTS O ritítíltílO. L ' Electric Soa!, - 2.00 sirable neat styles in which they are made together with "v-rilJ3 -n -- mgm Water Mink' - 2 25 extremely low trices, make them more sought after than j& j Pei-sian ' - - -■-" ever' The lona Kewmarkets for Young Ladies is the newest idea in long JmBiisÊÊwk Wik 4lstl.'.'H..'.lli . . 2.50 For $10 we are showing a handsome heavy Clay Worsted Coats. Lt is made with detachable hood, divided cape. of double-faced JË& a. Best Mink - 4-00 Garment, cut in coat style, 42 inches long. sold last year scotch mixture in Gray and Navy, price - - $12 to $35. m A forgló.On. f„r - - $10 .OO. 01lildmi-8 Gretche]" ;md Newmarkets, 50 different styles, Scarlet and ' "%M % _ - - Oxford Cheviots and Beavers, trimmed with fur and braid. Plain yM S 4J1 . mm a ■ SHat Beaver Coats in Navy Bluette, Tau. Brown and Black, fancy Scotcl WvMwvk ML .'' m rim Lf noveities in light and'dark mixtures, plain and fur trimmed, with Capes. $ "Í_. 9H B6 VE l Hoods and Fancy Collars, in prices from - $2.50 to $15. í'lÜi mËP ■ . Children's and Misses' Reefers. plain and very fancy styles fh ïsavv. fó )jk fesw áÍ A ï ll I d TV.1 CZ, Infants' and Children's long and short cloaks, White, Cream and Jt 1 #Hik i A IT f I 1 S ored Cashmeres, silk embroidered, $1 to $3.50. M ñ miimmMSm Children's Eiderdown Garments, nuule from plain and Fancy. hght ""■■ MSípEft Ladies' accustomed to iro to laree cities for their Fur Garments and dark colorings, white, gray, cardinal and mottled effects, ü ï Jjgjpliff; i iar do so no longer for the reason the)' can get what thej want ïnuch " " '■"- ' iPfflWfei Vt' are s0WiQg splendid lines of Mink, Beaver, Genuine Marten Astrachan in every grade, Wool Seal. Electric Seal, WPi eare(i an& French Coney Black Marten, eto., which we are selling at {- less than Detroit prices. Ë ËÊÈm large Purchase Mink, Beaver, Wool, Seal & Wf l Astrachan Capes received this week. u v ''■ ' fll. 00 will buy a first-class whole skin Astraclian Caqe, full sweep, made fl


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