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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETcT FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron Street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell on easy tering. Apunto or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street Ann Arbor, Michigan. :tf IOR SALE OR RENT.- Larjre new hoüTe with all modern improveuumis, cistern and city water in house and veil near dooi1 Will take in part pay ment smal] house orlóte orsinall farm near city, balance on Ion time and 1 ow Interest. P. e. Box 1345. J?OK SALE.-30 acres on Chubb Si, in acre i or five acre lots or uil together. Lon time, stuall payment, fi per cent interest Ja-" H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit Micn. HOUSE TO RENT-Eight rooms, 5 belovr andoabove, good cellar, coal shecl cistem water in kitchen, and a rood weii , all in perfect order.. Cali ut (5!) North Main st. 8t LOST- on Monday afternoon July IBth, 1894, one pocket ledgrcr account book on a streel in Ann Arbor or on the soutli Ypsilanti road to H. Platt'.s, thtïii gouth to Milan, the flnder will please send to me at Chelsea, Mich . and receive reward. H. Lighthall. pARLOR AND BEDROOM to rent, unfur■- nished. Inquire at 47 S. División gt. PIANO TüNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.whitney, wili be in the city soon. Orders left at the ÁRGUS office wil] receive his attention. 'T'O RENT.-At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of X six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 2Stf TO RENT.- urnisbed house heated witb furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts. Room 18,Masonic Block. VV ILL EXCHANGE a Hret-class substantlal, " roomy, open.siiiKlebussy for liay, wooii or cash. A. M. Clark, 47 División st. Vy ANTED- A MAN in every section at once ' to sell stade g-oods to doalers; no peddlins; experience unnecessary; bestside line. $io. 00a month. Salary and expens'S orlarle commission made. Address, witli 2 cent stamp for sealed particular, Clifton Soapancl Company, Ciucinnati, Olno. IVANTED.- Place of Hveorten arres with nouseand barrí, ono or two miles from from Ann Arbor city. Box :10, Manchester, Mich. U' ANTED. -Good tenant for very nice store on Liberty st., near State. Termsreasonable. Also flats to rent, very desirable. En'juire 18 South State st. Michigan (Tbntrai " The Xiagara Fallí Route." T1METABLB (Revised) JULY lst, 1894. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. S1 1 a S' & rg ' I i r á ■ a & i S x 8iS!S iêSSg : a SSSSS :&ss i prn Te i i í a i í i. s ) JJ10 ! !- j -- ;nn : ' 'ritS, es s Ui aa " "1 m p- sa iwUb. 3 25 gSSSSSSáSS K i S9SSSS3SSS T"S : : : Tg 1 sa T ;1 : g Ka ; : : : &s .s a; a m íí ; ; ; ï-ï - ? 8 ïift i i i25 T MS . ! .OO . - !OIM l_r-l ! ■' 3! a """' iííí s__: ' a I s a : : : : L 3 'a ! : _ ; : : _r 'j2 30 ; -oí ■ ■ 'L TTsg : : : Ts klSS T:" e .-es,:;: ; & m I s : ■ ■ ; - , gs .; : = js 28 - 8S :s I : :g 2; 2"" : . ','a' ,''-=' io 3" : = '- : : '. SS B . ëË S 3 03 a O.C. :- eí ri o. , g I 'ocot tt ií c ?í -7-?t 1- T! ï c - - - c: rj -j -M w re rí ■ o 30 H so oo o ob sei a os Og a íMiíjiN i h'y j!j O.W. RUQGLES H. W. HAYES. G.P.&T.Agre Chicagro. Aij't A;in A" or 9c You Want Uf nríf A steady payins job witli 1 W iu-jiest. liouso in the west. ■ " " ■ ■ " M yeai'8 established. With our íacilities we an tnake a gooit salesman in two weeks froni aw material. Nursei-y stock that i war■anted to grow. 25 best varieties seed petaoee in the world, etc. If .vou want moiiey vi-itestatinRiigi% L. L. MAY & CO., IÜ"J""V""M' "■ommrm St. Paul, Nlinn. (Tliis liouse s responsable). Nov20,'4


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News