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&Mre sarah E Feïfjp poor Health No Appetite Neuralgia - Very Miserable Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Cood Health. " c. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : " About one ago, I was in very poor health and liad n0 appetite. I could not work, for I did not have any energy. I was suffering with neuralgia and the pain was intensified by my tjeing kicked by a horse. Altogether I Was Very Miserable and had fallen away so that I only welghed ninety pounds. I took doctor's medicine, but it did me no good. Perchance I noticed an advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla in the Christian KvangelUt. I sent at once íor a bottle of the medicine. When I had emptied the bottle mjr appetite wa quite good and I was A Cood Deal Stronger. I therefore kept on until I had taken three bottles. By that time I was well, and my welght HoodV'P" Cures had Increased to 120 pounds. Mbs. Sarah B. Felt, Waltz, Michigan. Hood's Pilis cure constipation by restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentsry canal. Drain Notice, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wasbtenaw, ss. At a stssion oï theProliat Court for the ('ounty of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate uftice In the ('iiy of Anu Arbor, on Frida'y, the I9th day of October, A. D. one tbousand eight bundred and "present, Hon. J. Wïllard.Babbitt, Judg-e of In thé matter of tlie áppllcatlon of the Drain Oom mlseionerot the Oountyol Washtenaw, íor the appointment ot tliree Special Commissioners to determine the neeessity for ■idntin throughcertatn landsiu thetownstiips of Lima and'Sylvan, aud for the takins ot nrivate property for the use and benefit of the public ior the purpose thereof, and the iust compensation to be made therefor. Whereas, on the 19th day of October, A. D. one thousiind eisrht hundred and ninety-four, mi applieation in writiusr was made to this Court by the üra:n Commissioner oC the Cnunty of Washtenaw, for the nppotntmetit of tluee ripeeial Commissioners to determine Uic necessity for a Drain throusrli certain landslti the townshlps of Likna and Sylvan and descrlbéd in said applieation, and for the takineof private property lor the UjSe and benefit of the public for ilre purpose tnereof, and the just oomüensationjto bO made therelor: And whereas, this Court did on the H b day of Oetober, A. D. one thonsand eijrLt hundred and ninety four, upon a due examinatioii of euch applieation and of all the proceedings thererofoije taken in the premises, find the same to be in aocordance with the scatute in such cases made and provided. and ldthereupon by an order en' ered therein. appoint the 'JOth'day of November, thousand elgUt hundred and ninetv-four, at ten b'cloclt ín tbe forenoon of that day. as tlie time. and the office ol' the Judire of Probate in the City of Ann Aroor. in said County, :h Hiv place when a'id where a bjearing upon -ucii auplicution would be had, and did then and there order that all persons whose lands wcre to bc travorsed by sueh proposed drain, orwho would be Liable to aseséinent for beneiits in the construetion thereof. and who had not released rijrht of way, and all damages on account thereof, to appear at the time and place designatetl to be üeard with respect tn such applieation if they so desire and show cause, it any there should be. wliy said applieation should notbe granted; And whereas, There is now on file with this Court a description and survey of such proposed drain, i'rom whlch des ription. and survey it appears that the cimmenoement ironcraf course, and terminus of suoh drain are as follows: Commencing at the upper end of the Pierce drain, 35 rods south of the U post between secttons 5 and B, in the tjwnship of [.iirm, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and running thence n 54 degrees w ll.tiO ehs., thence n 80 degrees w 10 HO chs , thence west 25.00 chs., thence u 62!4 deg-rees w 10.00 chs., thence n 54 degree w T.13 ch3 , theoce s 8S i:eïrees w lö 37 cbs.. thence n 8714 degrees w 20.00 clis., thence 8 8I!4 degrees w 12.00 chs-, thence s 64 degrees w 9 cbs , thence n 8SH de(frees w l!i.75 chs, thenco n SO1 des. w H.75 chs., thence s 41 deg, w 4 chs., theoce s uth i ch.. tlutnces 59 deg w 7 chs.. tin-nee s 73 dejr. w 10 5'J ehs , thenee s 72 des. w 10.41) chs., t heoce west 10.03 chs., thence s 66 deg-, w 5.68 chs., thf-nre u 7H deg. w f 52 chs., thunee n 73U desj. wchs.. thence s 81 deg w 12.75 chs., thence u 7 deg. w 3.45 en., thence n 8ÖH deir. w 11.80 chs., thence n ü3deg. w fi.42 chs., thence west 18 58 chs., tlu'iice n 82% de?. w 4. 50 chs.. theoce n79V4cteg. w 15.80 ehs,. thence s 77!4 de'. w Í.30 ehs., thence s 68 dea. w 6.4U chs., thence s 80J4 riesr. w K 9') clis., tlience s 85 áeg. w 3.K0 chs , thence s 70 dei. w 3.S5 chs, thence 8 K) deg. w. 6 8H chs , thence n 73 desr. w 8.85 chs., ihence n 82' deir w 6 80 i-os., thence u 68 des:, w 8.54 chi. to ii no ut. 13.16 chnins south of the a w coraer uf tiie e y, oí the s w H of the n e Í-4 of sec 4, township of Sylvan, aud there terminiitinjr is ; he upper end of suid liriiin, ana total lenjíth of 3fi:l,47 cliaine. Audwhereas, It appears that the following doscrlfced iract of lands, owned by unknown persons or notf resiients of the townshlps of linia and Sylvan iforesald, the e.vecufon of a release of right of way and damapres tor which haa beun ne.sleoted or fefusêd, will he crossed by snirt proposed drain and will be mbject to un assee inent for us co istruction, to-wit : 50 acres In the tiorth part w!í s w M sec 1, in Sylvan. Ni f.i. s , mui s w }, u e }, exoept'what seast of highway and novth of Mili Creek, and s part of se1,!, n e M, and n e Ü, s w ü, all i sec i, in Sylran. And it further appearing t hat the fnllowing flescrlbed tráete ni lando, not traversed by Sïld proposed cfatln owned by unknown persons nr aonresinei.ts of the townshlps -of Limaautl -ylvan aforesM, w l besuhjoel i ) ui nsstssment lor its constrnctlon. to-wit: 26 a ros n !'3 s y, n w ' spu. 6 in Lima boui(lcd nliy ',!-.! Ine, wbytown Hm', s by Jas. avl"i''s hum. - '■",' Vi suc. line, amlsc'i s e 'i sec S in Sylvan. Now ilmiefore.'all such unknown or nonreside i pera uj. ownars of the a ve des cHbod iainU. and eauh ol' theni are bereuy oitedtobeand appear bef ove ihis i nnrt, av tlie time and place last above sol forth. to be heard with respect to sucli applioatioñ. II tney -o clesu-e, and show cau-u, il' any thu.r oe, why th. said appliCHtion tor the appointmeol of three Special ('oinmissloners as ir oresald should Q'it bogcanted. An.i i s further brdéred, That the sUd " u:n ('omniissioner ïve nofi're of tüe peaaenpy of satd applioatioñ, so far as It affect sala lands and the persons mteivst-d thcrein, y causjng a copy of this citation to be pubItsnea in the Ann Arbor Ari'ps n weeltly newspaper publtehed and oirculating in the '■![ i'ounty of Washtenaw, in wuich said of sald lauds are locat'-d for at leasi (uo weeks previons to said dav of hearing-. .1. WILLAKD 'ÏAB1UTT. Judge of Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
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