
H. Soule is hunting in the north woods. Miss Annie Condón is visiting in Detroit. Miss Bessie McCall has returned to Detroit. Dr. T. E. Burgess has returned from Alpena. Mrs. A. L. Noble has returned from a visit in Buffalo. Sam Lansdorf, of Detroit, attended the funeral of Zachary Roatfr. Mrs. Anna B. "Warden is expected to arrive home from Boston today. Miss Alice Moe, of Muskegon, is visiting Mrs. O. Moe, of Washington st. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Reeder, of Toledo, visited Ann Arbor friends last week. Mrs. G. A. Krause, of Grand Rapids, is visitiijg her sister, Mrs. John Koch. Mrs. Geo. Olp is visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. M. Stevens, ot Mt. Morris, N. Y. Nelson Sutherland is recovering from a severe illness, caused by inflammation of an eye. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Henderson, of Cleveland, attended the funeral of the late Geo. M. Henion. Hon. J. J. Robison, of Sharon, visited the county seat, Friday. He carne to order a coffin for the Sharon democracy. James E. Carr and son Fred, edi- tors of the Dundee Reporter, attended the funeral of the late Zachary Roath. Mr. Carr Sr. is a half brother of the deceased. James Murnan, clerk of the Cook house, left Monday morning for LeRoy, N. Y., to be present at the marriage of his brother. He will be absent about ten days. B. F. Staffort, of Windsor, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A. of that city, was in Ann Arbor last week, examining the workings of the local association, which hopes to secure him as their general secretary.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Zachary Roath
James E. Carr
George M. Henion
A. L. Noble