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Did you ever see one of the famous ■waterproof Interlinea Collars or Cuffs? It's very easy to teil, for they are ali is way l TRADf tlLULOlQ W iney are the only Interlinea Collars and Cuffs, and are made of linen, covered with waterproof " Ceu.ui.oid." They'll stand right by you day in and day outand they are all marked this way _T TRA Of xÉfEuuloio TT, The nrst cost is the only cost, for they keep clean a long time, and when soiled you can, clean them in a minute by simply v ng off with a wet cloth - that is the Kind marked this way CELLULOID WL These collars and cuffs will outlast six linen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bilis- no chafed neck and no wilting down if you &et a collar marked this way ll " AiARK. Ask your dealer first, and take nothing that has not above trade mark, if you desire perfect satisfaction. All others are imitations absolutely. If you can 't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you a sample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 25 ets. each. Cuffs 50 ets. pair. Give your size and say whether standup or turued-down collar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 42'-9 Broadway, NEW YORK. Drain Notice, STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, bs. At sepslon ol the Probate Court tlc County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ufllce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Frfday, the iflih day of Oct- ober, A. I. onethousand efglit hun tl red and ainety-foi r Present, Ilon..J. Willard Babbiit, Jurige of Probate. In t he matter of Mie uppllcation of the Drain Oom miseionetr of the Öountyof Wasbtenaw, for the appointment ol tln-ee Special ('omniissioners to determine tho necessitv lor a draln througb certa in lande iu thetownsbips of Lima and Sylvan, .-ind for the lalclna of private property for the 11-e aqd benefit ol the public iór the purpose thereof, and the lilsi compensation to be made títere for. Whereas, on the 19th day of Oetbher, A. Q. one thousnnd ( ig-bt hundred and rilnety-four, an appllcatlon in wrlmig was made tn this ('onrt by the Di-aln Comml-wlonér of thé Oounty ol Washtenaw, for the appointmetat of three Special Üommlssioners to determine the neceasity for a Drain rhrough oertafn landsinthe tr.wnships of Mm and fylvan and described in said appltcatin, abd for 1 li . takiusol private property for rhe use and beneni of the public for ' purpote 1 !■ aii'i the just compensation to he made therelor; Aiid wbereaa, this Oourt did on tlin fl 1 day of October, A. D. one thousanri elitbt hundred and niniMy-foui-, upon a duo ■ t Ion of Btieh application and of all the 1 ueedlngB thfi-eiofore taken in premlses, liinl tht' sume lo be in accordanoe wiih tht' I stat ut i' Ín suoh caaes made and provlded. and did Micreupon by an order en ered thereln, áppolnt the20thdayof November, A.D. pnc tuousand eigbt huiuln'd and ninet v-four. at ten o'clock i the forenoon of that day. as the time, and the office of the Judire of Probate In the Cilv of Anci Aruor, In aid County. as t hc place when and whei e a hearing upon siu-li applioation would bc had. and did toen and tht-ie order that all nersons whose lands were to be traversed by snch proposed drain, or who would be liable to assessment for lienetits in the construclion thereof, and who had notreleased rifihtof way, anti all damases on account thereof, to ajipear at the time and place designated to be heaid with respect to sueh appllcation f they so desire and t-lmw cauee, " any there shouid be. why said a.pplication ghould not be srrauted ; And wher as, There is now on file with thls Court a descriptioa and survtiy of such proposed drain, trom whTcb des lïption and Mirvey it appears that the commeinment genera] courstiand terminus of sat:h drain are ijs follows: Commencing at the upper end of the Pierre drein, 35 rotls south ol' the !i j)!).!, W'twrn sectit)iw ;') anti 'i, in the nnvnship of Lima, couuty of Washtenaw, and State of .Michigan, and running thence n 54 degreesn 11.60 ohs., thence n 811 degrees w IU HO 1 ■ 1 1 s , them-c west 28.00 chs., thence 11 82V4 aejriv. s w 10.00 ehs., t henee o 54 devree w 7.13 ens , t Inner e s ■ ... y ri'- w L6.37 ous.. thence n 83 ' í degrees w x)(i.(ni chs., thence s si , devrees 12.00 ohs.t ' thence - m degreeB w '■ ehs , t henee n 83' defiris iv iH.i'5 ohs., thence u StiVí den. w U.75 ch.-.., t henee - 41 d("_r. w 4 rbs.. thence s uttf 1 ch.. thence s 59 deg w T chs,. thence .- 73 den. w 10 60 chs., thence s 72 deg. w 10.40 chs., I henee west 10.02 chs., thence s 00 deg. vv 5 88 ohs., thence 11 78 deg. w 5.52 chs., thence u ïS deg w 2.í chs.. thence s SI deg w 12.75 ch., thence n 76 deg. WÜ.4Ó oh., thence n H6!í dejí. w 11.80 ohs., thence n 63 deg w n.tí chs., t henee west 18 ss ehs.. thence aSsjdeg. w i.riüchs., thence u 79% deg. w 15 si) chs,. thenee ','-: ilcc. w 7..Ï0 chs., thence s titt cleg. w ti.4) chs., thence s 80M lieg. w ( 'M chs., tltence s 85 tleg. w ;.) chs , thence s 70 de_', w :S.k5 chs, thence e 0 tleg. w. U , SU chs , thence 11 73 deg. w SM chs., thence n 8': tleg. w KXIchs.. thence n 68 (ii-ir. w 8.54' chs. to a DO n1 13.16 ohains south of the n w eoiner fl the e '; of the s w 4 ol the n e of sec 4, township of Bylvan, and there ttrmlnatinjr as the upper end of saio tli'.iin, and total lengt 11 of 3A3.47 chaine. And whereas. It appears that the followiug described 11 acts of lands, owued by unknow n" townshïps of Lima and Sylyan afnresald, Ibe uxetution ol'


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News