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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Mea i I Emlsslons, Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Self-Abuse, Syphills, Gleet, Strlcturiy. Unnatura Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid In Urine, Impotency. Sexual and , Mantal Weakness, Kidnsy and Bladder Diseases Posltlvely CUflED OR NO PAY! 16 YËARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. ■ i al ■ ■! e „ Syphilis Cured. "Thie terrible blood I Llke ratheP, Llke SOU. VoungorMiddleAgedMan-YonhaTeleda ease waa in my syetem for eight year. Had Raylifeormdulgedinthevicesof earlyyoath. taken mercury fer two yearB, bat the dieease I loa feel thesymptoniestealingoTeryon. HelJ retnrned. Eyes red, pimples aüd blotches on I abuse, or lattr ezcessei have broken down your the skin, nlcera in the mouth and on tongue i te-. ■ ( system. Mentally, physically and stxually yon bono painH, fulliug out of hair, weakness etc. i f . __ A are not the man yoa used to be or shonld be. My lirother, who had been cared of Gleel and I C zi JLiastfnl practices reap rich harvests. Think Stririure by Dr3. Kennedy and Kergan I n-' '('■ W ofthefature. Willyouheed the danger signáis! mi ndcd them. They cared me in a few weeks I (Í .v'vV R vI4 Ar you nervous and weak; despondent and and I thank God 1 consultad them. No f frf, VM. Sïi, gloomy; epecks before eyee; back weak and turn of tho diseaeo in six ypars " 5?' I I l''" _1___A kidneye irritable; palpitation of heart;dreams W. H. M., Jackson, Mich. i IV I „ _ " and Io8ses at night; sediment in nrine; fi Miniiu ti d wr u i' f; e VfiTv ■ enedmanhood; pimples on face; eyes Bnnken .A, 1 ' ". S? eakív t lh - W; E. Sj.nrks, I 1 J Vl'r and cheeks hollow; poor memory? carewon, ,u h if " , 'k''lf ■""iw" 1 M41 vLSt expreseion; Variccele; tired in morninf;; ". '" f'. ''"f""' } . '", 'd a " 3 VT ' Jf t üfeless; dietrostful; lick enerKy, Btrengtl. , .f,, „r i tí Í ï h-f ÍH? i? "'T I Ufl' rfíUÍk anÜ ambition. Onr New Method Trealmeni ' ''■';.' f "-'"! '■jhitto DrB. Kennedy I ■íiWVV sñaKwSís?icgS SSsS"080 j iwXí" feHÍ' W TTlIvi ñames used without written consent. $1,00C Doctor Recommends H. "I know nothing E 'S I wa3T=-. =rLü- A'y '% lt paid for any case we take and cannot cure! '" '"'"'lira1 i efficiënt for the cor 3 3 f' i' n"J " V_ A r I ' fatetas the .V'ic .wwíuíí í í yjl - ' gf cA#A íw r . , ad scores of i L í?8"TI=r VD8t I A Warmng From the Living. ,, ewweeke. I liavi : í'vJ5lFVJl - C X íSk 7 Emissions Cured. "At 15 I learned a bal WIÜl "W own eyesfufd-tnowit t Iwatact." 4tn 1 yX "TlV Had losoes for seven reara. Ir T. E. ALL18ON. : rlf 1 , jj&f I ■ fonr doctors and ncrve tomes by the score, Rea-le' heen%ui!ty? Ha j i U __!] I yí IM X4jt Jft without benefit. I became a nervoue wreck. Hloun bt-eu iíim.m-i1? rsyoo loyou t J -"" 'f AÜLJL 1 A fnend who had been cnredby Drs. Kennedy deeiro to be ;i 'n.' Are 'ou contciuijlíitine i _J f y Jir U Kergan of a similar diseae, advised me to marriatre? Onr Mel'hnd Trealmnil will # it "- I try them. I did so, and in two inonths wub potitÍTelr core yon. Curos Ccarantoei! Mo I =A i? " ; 1 poeitively cured. Thie was eight year ago. Pay ! Consullat'ion Free! LLC ff r a 3 m now marrie1 an1 have two healthy No mat tor uho has treatedyou, write for an I Jr J JGtA ( children.' G. W. LEWIS. Saginaw. Mich. honeal opinión free of rhurge. (liarKe I JL fft _&3-iJ ÁP Varicocele Cured. " Varicocele, the resnlt of ouahlc. Books Kree - 'Tlw (iuJden Monitor" I --J ■ early Tice, made life miserable. I was weak 'lilustratedl, on Diiva( oí Mm. Encloss I h-ohtt thiit an "erTons, eyes snnken, baehfal in eociety. Postase, 2 ceuts. tSfaled. v ti, . ja "nu u . hair thin, drearns and lwses at night, no rNo ñames u$ed without written consent a?!?'} h?iTe JS8t reüd ,% Golden Momtor, bition. The "Golden Monitor" opened my Pcúa'.e. No ine-iicine sent C. O. D. No pames editedby X)r. Kennedy & Kergan and knowing eyes. The New Method Treatment of Drs. on boes or enelopes. Everything confidentheir high repotation X hall consalt them a th Kennedy á Kergan cured me m a few weeks." tial. Questior. ist for horne treatment -rü1 Jast retort."- ViUim. I. L. PETER80N, Ionia, Micb. co$t oHreatment. Free 'I i48 5HELBY STREET, DETROIT, AIICH. I - ■- - -ii in aMJJ


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