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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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Varicocele, Emissioiis, Nervotis DetoHity, Sesrtlüiai Weakness, Qleet, H Stricture, Syphilis, Lhinaíura! Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidny and Bladder Dkeases Pu--.iiiv.-iy Cured by THe S8W mstumi wwt-i iïWrioi öiscsveis { tYou can Deposit the Moaey :.i Y;;;;r Znn i tfifi ' r istmaitec lo bc paid us alter you ar: JÜlitOnniler a ■ :ti iiua.-antce! Sr.lf Abuse Exces'ts and Blond iVus?s wrockml t)..' : ■ .■■■ ■ of thm-:itn If of ypnni[ meo I' and middleaged men. The farm. the workho, the duuttu ohool, fi'O ulBoe, I ■iona- all havo its victim. lo p nwn, ïf jon liitre been li ereet, ireoj thefuture. tli Muidle, agedmrn, you are RrowiliK preir.nv.y wt-i.U. ind i.l . th ■ .illy und püysically. [S Consult'uB before too late. NO NAIWES UEI bllHOUT WBIÏTtN i oNSENT. Conlldemltl. N VARICOCELE, EMISSiONS AN! SYPHIUS CUED. I W. B, COLLI NS. W. S. Colllns, of Saglnaw, Sp--;ik;s. VV.8 COLL1N8. H -nsSít. "1 am 29. At 15 I learned R bad li:i!ic vi.u-h I Ö=5s. ■ 'cv ued t.ill 19. I then became "on of the boya" nnil ieu a i H Ya gajrUíe. Expoenre producid .". 1 u-c.-nuu f "iÁ L VA oijh and despondeut; no ainbition; miMiiory ixMtr; OypM j y- füj flö ,1 red, sankeii aad blur; pimplen on fai't'; ii.-tjr íoií, bonft j fl Vh v. W pain; weak back; Tiirictjcele; drea'in umi losxes :it, L- 5 'S 1 'w jiijfht; weak parlB; deposit in urine, etc 1 fi.iit l. V - Ureds of dollar without, help, and w:ui conlompluunu' V. J ]b X uicide when & friond recomnieDilcii Konnedj. & jfe yS. ffl ü(t K. Kergau'B New Meilmd Trenlmeiit. Tlmnk (iod l -dBrVJiriN 58 H "CWriíCsíl % tried it. lu two montlis I wa cured. Thla was six ywtcfrp-fk } 7% E 31 KVTl ■Z jears ago, and never liud a retín n. Waa marrieil two " f I ft 1 („ S, H I 1 il XZj I " years atjo and all happy. 7!.jf, try DrH. Kunedy H UBFouETRKATM'Tganbeioregiving up ho]'." aftkh trkatm't b I s. A. TONTÓN. Seminal Weakness, Impote:-.c . snd B. qwhn. II ■ B 4 Varicocele Cured. íSáÉíá&s,. S v Wt "When I consulte! Dr. Kyoneriy A Sercan, I hart ƒ y-'A ífjí 'i little hope. I wa surprieed. fej 'Jgr 5??j i H ("y . . fl) mnnt improved me lli firel weelt. Hniw'uons oaaaed, 1 I JSMr nerts beosme trong, psifis diuiiwireii, hir graw in ., f - " "y again, eye beeauie br'ght, cheerfoj in o.rii'imy and - , l JïföT jjfek. strong uexualh. Having tried inany Qm.k-Ich, 1 ca:i J$TxTffis 1 B 'n'Vy' heartily recommend Drs. Kennwfy & Kewaii as rellablc jr a -ïf , SnecialistB. Tlu-y treated mn ! onorabl) ;i'wi kiUirdiy. " VV B IiEroKKTBEAfM'T : V'V ' B I t. 1'. i'Mr'RsoN. A Nervous Wretk- A Happy (..ife. t. p. " ' 'SON. f T. P. Emerson Has Karroiw Escïpc. -Sw j 'I live on the farm. At hMl ï 1'irn. i nn rmrly m vl H f ' iil habit wliich weaktiif-d me ; liy ind t Vv Wi W ? 'S? '".-ntnlly. Family Doctore aid 1 wat ijniïj !at.. fl j, JT Wf) I Mt n! "decline." (Conenmplion l'ïiwll "Vhe lUtUic Ij J.V tfj f i_Tv . Aji7 Monitor," oditwl by I)if. Henil ilj ;..:.'.n f. 'il inü jt-i Í, ! E KiBMfv. ; in my tand. I learoeil the i nh aii.l .(. Hrir BSiÖ jw VrTT y ahusn had sapped my fita 1 V r. ,.L j3 ■iwvv'ii!' was cured of Coaamnptiuii. ! ! ■ . 3}?V fó & iTOiv rOAS patieuts, all of wlior: wei?, raretl. M ., ,,- NHW 'Cl T.L: , fia '„jtH'í-- cíí!llln Mfithcxl Treatmeut vir, vi:: uud vi iIV-jeí. b A UI 1 BroK tbeatk't. fiood." xmatu: .t. J M nrvnCR ! Are jou a victim? HofoyonJo t li-ii--.' '■ ■■ -.)ii pontmplatin S u rit.rAUt.ri ■ riawe? Has youi HL ixt been iiuta#eUV ilnve om nny wodknees? Uur 5 H New Method Treatment will cure uu. Wliat tl hus ttuu ■ t'.u-rs it will do for jroit# n 16 Years in Detroit. 160,00 i Cur ...J Wo Risk Consultatlon Free. No uiatterwho Imv tre; tl h-neei oiitiitu ,. Free of chare ('liareex reamnablB. Books e - ."lltu üuiuiui lic.u.ioi" ii,u. - t tratwll fin Diseasi of men. lucióse poetace; 2 oentn. i STNO NAMKS USED WITHOUT W KI I . r N CONSENT. ■ rfirL No medicine sent C. O. D. No n-n- on boxes or envel K ooes ' Everythinst confidentlai. Qm 6tw iMt ..ndc 8to"Tr-a!-l ment. FREE. S Wo. 148 SHELBY ST. 1 i UEYKGIT. MICH. b


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