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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. TOK SALE- Five acres on West Huron A street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beau tiiul location. Will sell on easy lerms. Auplv to or address E. D. Davis, West Hm on street Arm Arbor, Miehig-an. jtf FOK ,ALE OR EENT.-Large new honse wil li all modern improvemciils, clstern and city water in house andwell Dear door Will tiike in part payment small bouse or lots orsmall farm near city, balance 011 Ion" time and low interest. P. C. Box 184B. F OH BALE.- 30 acres on Cliuhh 8t. In acre or five acre lots or all together. Lon" time, small paynient, H percent interest. Jas H. McDonald, 42 Mufl'at Building, Detroit' Micli. POR SALE- Farms in the townships of Superior. Northfield, Dexter aud Sharon. Will sell at low prices, and on easy terms of pvment. For particulurs, inquire of IÍ. M. Woods. Ko. 88 S. Main street, Ann Arbor. HOUSE TO RENT-Eislit rooms, 5 beloiv andöabove, Kood cellar, conl shed, eistern water in kitchen, and a good well , all in perfect order.. Cali at 6H North Main st. :!t PIANO TITNING.-A. D. Brown, the welf known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney, will be in iheeity 8oon, Orders left at the Aröus office will receive his attention. rrO KENT.-At No. 30 S. State St. A Hat of Í 6ix rooms. Enquire at 18 S. Siate St. 28tf WILT, EXCHANGE a flrst-olass substiiutiül, " roomy, open. single buy for liay. woon or cash. A. M. Clark, 47 División st. WANTED- A MAN In every seotlon at once to sell stanle goods to dealers: no peddlintr; experience unnecessarv: bestelde line. ï76.00ü nionih. Salaryand expenses orlara commiscion ra;i(lf. Address, with 2 cent stamp forscaled partlculare, Clifton 8oa]aurl Conijjany, Cincinnati, Ohio. WA NTED.-Placo of five or ten aerea wit h house and barn. one or two miles frnm from Ann Arbor city. Box 310, Manchester, Mich YIANTED. - Good tenant for very nice store " on Liberty st, near State. Tefms reasonable. Also liats to rent, very desirable. Euqulre 18 South State st.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News