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To Summon Grover

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San' Francisco, Xov. 2-3. - Attorney Montelth is preparing some affidavits to bc filed in the caso of the strikors uow ou trial for obstrueting the mails und hiterferinsr with interstate coinmerce. It shis purpose to nuikc every effort pussible to suiiiiiion to thfe city u 4 witnessus in tlis cases now pending President Cleveland and the managers of the principal eastern railraads which wera i'i way i:ivolved in the big strike. 11' elite aj)plia catiĆ³n of the (iefonso fur tbt (! distiiiguishcd witnessea lie refim-d the imirt.'raay bu carriod to the upreino ijourt final adjiulicitioii. Prpsklent und .Manager Aertiied. Montelth. speaking of the oase, Mid: "Wejiolii that the president of the United StatW and the managers of the etutern rouds wens teuhnicaliy guilly of obstructin;; the Unted States mails wheu they put forth the prcaidentlal and managerlal proclamatiou concerning the strike. We want to flnd out why that proclamatlou was made and on that point Mr. Cleveland's testiihouy is ossential. I do nob believe there is any law by which he eau claim exemption froin coming and testifying as a wituess. Th matter will bo docided by Judge Morro w."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News