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A reading room is projected for Chelsea. Dr. Jefferson, of Milán, has taken a trip to Europe. Aaron Derbyshier, of Willis, has sold his farm for $4,000. The Glazier Stove Co. intends to add two five-ton die presses to their equipment. - Chelsea Standard. Nathan Isabell, of Saline, shipped a car load of beans last week. Prices should be very good since election. The donation for Rev. Mr. Marshall, of Saline, recently, netted him about $50, over and above the wear and tear. "Who will be our next deputy sheriff, after January?" inquires the Saline Observer. Dunno. What have you been doing? Charles M. Van Orden, of Chelsea, died Monday last week. He had lived most of the time since 1837 in the vicinity where he died. In the absence of the postmaster who does such things, O. F. Blum buys grain and re-gums the new issue of postage stamps, at Bridgewater. Herbert H. Smith and Miss Ella V. Bietel will beguile the evening Thanksgiving hour, at Ypsilanti, by standing as principáis in a matrimonial affair. The marriage of Miss Jennie E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hudler, of Chelsea, to Mr. Arthur E. Walker, of Detrojt, will take place Nov. 29th. - Standard. There is not room enough in Saline for all the hitching posts the town needs. On busy days many farmers are compelled to hitch their horses to the Corporation line. R. W. Hemphill, of Ypsilanti, has banked a turnip grown on the Starkweather farm, and weighing iS pounds and six ounces. This is the greatest "turn-up" we have heard of since the election. A vote by the M. E. congregation at Ypsilanti, on the question of the resubmission of a prohibitory amendment to the state constitution, resulted in a practically unanimous vote in favor of it. A recent social in Webster netted $46, which will be used to keep the wind from whistling through the branches of the poor and needy, among whom should be included some of those who placed their rnoney wrong, before election. Dr. George D. Herrón, a renowned sociologist, has been secured to deliver a course of three lectures at Ypsilanti, on "The Christian State." It is enough to say in favor of the doctor, that he began life as a printer, "and never evoluted backward. Charles Bell, who has been employed as repairer by the jewelry firm of Stone & Carpenter, has accepted a position at Jackson. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. That is nothing unusual. There are hundreds of other men who have accepted positions in Jackson, but are not in the jewelry business. A petition was recently presented to the acting mayor of Ypsilanti, asking his veto in the matter of an order for a change in the line of the property owned by the Baptist church. He refused, remembering that worse men than he have been roasted at the stake for meddling with religious affairs. A flag raising, with appropriate ceremonies, takes place today at the Shaw school house in Saline. It was won by the school, at the Washtenaw fair, for the greatest attendance of any school ten miles distant from Ann Arbor. A social will follow in the evening at the home of Ira Biddle. When some of the young evildoers of Saline heard of the appointment of Brainard as marshal, they snickered and proceeded to raise Ned. But the new marshal grabbed an armful of them and started for the lock-up. When he let them go they were not snickering, but the marshal was. A movement is on foot looking to the earlier closing of the stores and other business places of Chelsea. Lest the rnovement may créate some apprehension, we will add that saloons will be exempted from the operation of the proposed new rule. Hherwise, of what use would the carly closing of the other business places be? People in Ypsilanti who contémplate having their houses get afire should exercise a little sense and select such a time as would be most convenient for the department to get out. Their carelessness in this regard has been the cause of much annoyance. Only last week, a fire alarm was inconsiderately turned in while the driver was at breakfast, and as the man who sleeps there was still in bed, undressed, it required much time before he could dress and make his toilet properly before answering the cali. However, he put up with the rude disturbance of his sleep and got the department out, after a while. An addition to the Chelsea electric light station is being built. It is said that workmen are "raising the dust" in a Manchester bank. Well, that is what a bank is for. John Schantz and Mrs. Mary Oker Dettling, of . Chelsea, were raarried at Chelsea, last Thursday. Dexter's young ladies have in contemplation the production of Jeptha's Daughter, during the holidays. A colored family has colonized at Rawsonville - the first that ever ventured upon squatter sovereignty in the history of the place. Martin & Hall, of Bridgewater, left their cabbages out over night too many times and lost between 4,000 and s, 000 heads. From a paragraph in the Enterprise it would appear that there was a lynching bee in Manchester last Wednesday: "The Methodists hung their faithful old bell, yesterday." The wheelmen of Ypsilanti have been defeated in their efforts to secure of the council the use of certainsidewalks. The "fathers" stood firm and the wheelmen took "a header." An anti-dead-beat association has been formed at Ypsilanti, and hereafter it wil] be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for the fellow who promises to pay and won't do it. Fifty men and three dogs at Ypsilanti hurled themselves with great force upon six rats in a trap, the other day, and killed every last one of them. It was like the slaughter of democrats, election day. The friends of Judge Kinne, circuit judge of this district, are going to boom him for the supreme bench to succeed Justice McGrath, democrat, whose successor will be elected next April. - Dexter Leader. A new furnace will be placed in the M. E. church, of Saline; then it will be good bye to smoke and cold feet, and confidence will be restored in the good old Methodist theory of a furnace in its creed. The cornfield of Matthew Keeler, of Sharon, returned a yield of ioo bushels per acre. It is understood that while the sluggard slept, Mr. Keeler sat up nights and tassled it out, before the drouth got hold of it. Mrs. Rhodes and her trimmer narrowly escaped suffocation by coal gas a few nights since. The cover to the stove was accidently left partially open when they retired and the gas poured out until discovered in the morning. - Saline Observer. The Saline English Composition club has recently been engaged in dissecting Gray's Elegy from a literary standpoint and find it in a horrible condition - just literally honey combed with polly-syllables and other malignant microbes, and the wonder now is how it ever lived so long. Friends of Antón Dexter, of Milán, to the number of a house f uil, sprang in on him one evening last week and surprised him clear to the bottom of his socks. Then he recalled that it was his fiftieth birthday and when he reflected that he was loaded up with half a century he sat down and feit very weak and decrepit. A sad and fatal accident occurred at Chelsea, Thursday, last week, the victim being Jacob Heselschwerdt, of Sharon. He was delivering a load of wood at Boyd's hotel, and in turning his team backed the wagon over a high bank. The load was upset, and Mr. Heselschwerdt falling off was partly 1 ered by the wood, receiving injuries from which he died soon afterward. He had been many years a resident of the county and was universally esteemed. The wife and eleven children survive him. Any lack of interesting items in the Sentinel this week may be attaibuted to the fact that the publisher has been removing his "lares et penates" - we believe that is proper J.atin - from one residence to another. - V'psilanti Sentinel. The editor of the Sentinel is a good enough newspaper man, but he ought not to suppose himself an expert in all directions, and especially should he not undertake to become his own surgeon, in so difficult and complex an operation as removing his "lares et penates." ít is a wonder that he lived. C F. Conrad, of the Dexter Leader, formulates a political 1 form which he thinks would better things, and in some respects we quite agree with him, especially as to his 6thly, under which the people are given power to recall any member of congress who develops disability or turns out a knave or a fooi, and elect in his stead a different animal. Oí course this would just about depopulate congress as at present constructed and as built for the next term. It would be a most wholesome measure, howèver, and the Argus trusts Conrad may survive to see the fruition of his scheme. Vpsilanti poultry show frota Dec. 2 1 to 28, inclusive. Vpsilanti grange will commemorate the birthday of VVhittier Dec. 31, at 1:30, p. m. An Ypsilanti jury has awarded Joe Pierce $10 and costs against Wm. Jones, for popping over Joe's dog. Rev. Mr. Meister, of Adrián, will remove to Freedoni as soon as he can discover a suitable domonie domicile. Manchester has a horse trader, who if he does not make at least two exchanges a day, feels like committing suicide. The clock and bell for the new high school building at Ypsilanti, weigh 2660 pounds - a ■ 'striking weight" as it were. Fr. Kennedy, of St. John'schurch, Ypsilanti, is filling in a depression between the church and the parsonage, with nearlv a thousand loads of dirt. This week it is said that a young professional man, of Chelsea, will zo to the frigid north of the state for a wife, and one of the prominent young ladies of the village will grab a Detroit gentlemen. Mrs. Smith, wife of the editor of the Commercial, visited Colorado, for her health and while there, secured an opportunity to vote at the recent election. The Sentinel does not quite understand how Mrs. Smithe brought it about. It was unquestionably allowed in compliment to Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Keusch, of Chelsea, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, yesterday. A high mass of thanksgiving was celebrated by their pastor, Rev. W. P. Considine, at eight o'clock. In the evening a reception of invited guests took place and congratulations and an elegant repast followed. Johnny Wright, a boy, was so discouraged at being compelled to live in Ypsilanti that he stole a coat and vest, and expressed a desire when arrested to be sent to the Lansing reform school, did little Johnny Wright. It wasn't right, of course; but so it goes down there. Some are driven to crime, others to suicide. The Manchester Enterprise says that republicans and democrats alike, "in this neck of the woods would be pleased tohave Fred Freeman appointed deputy county clerk under the new dispensation." Well, Fred would suit us just as well as any other republican, and we shall submit to whatever happens. The dead should keep still, till the resurrection. A Sharonite says that "it will take a brave democrat to run for office, next year." No it won 't. The most cowardly democrat in the county (except the coward who deserted his party this year), knows that after one session of the republican legislature, any democrat in the county who may choose to run for oftice, can lick his opponent as easily as a hound pup can lick a skillet. Readers of the Enterprise will remember an item about tramps robbing a peddler near Jerusalem about a year ago. - Enterprise. Now see here! There may be a few of your readers who are so ignorant of the bible that they never read of the fellow who started from Jerusalem for Jericho and was robbed, but to copying it almost bodily and pretend that it was an original piece of news in the Enterprise of a year ago is the baldest presumption. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of a man, who in spite of all rules and in defiance of personal warnings, recently visited the Manchester township small pox hospital. The warrant is in the hands of an orïïcf r who will serve it just as soon as he is sure that no small-pox is hanging around the blockhead, who at present is like a hog which ate a can of nitro glycerine and was given the freedom of the town, nobody daring to kick him for tear of an explosión. Free Church farmers are losing their pigs with some unknown swine malady. A correspondent of the Commercial, who is up in hog lore, recommends pouring down the sick swine half a pint of melted lard with enough ginger in it to keep the porker guessing where the fïre is. The tuft is to be given from a longnecked bottle. Grab the hog by the ears and pul) up. He will sit back on his haunches and sing you a tune with his mouth wide open. Then "give it to him." He will take it, and never mistrust that he has swallowed part of another hog. The ginger will keep him from retiecting. In a day or two do so some more, and squealer will be well. Of course it will take two persons to administer the remedy - one to hold vip the hog by the ears, the other to give him his tonic. Still if you have good teeth you can do it alone. Grab one ear with your jaws, and you have a free hand with which to use the bottle. Fred Schil!, sr., of Manchester township, while returning from the home of a neighbor, feil and received a fracture in one of his legs. Augusta township board has appointed Elias B. Stone, supervisor in place of County Clerk Elect Dansingburg. "This is Elias which was for to come." Jack Jibb and Mr. Jones, smallpox nurses at the Manchester hospital, will remain there till Mr. Hermidinger is sufficiently well to allow óf the premises being fumigated. Some men are gifted with the conviction that a fighting bull-dog is of some account in this World, and six of thein happened to be polled on a jury yesterday. - Ypsilanti Dept. Times. What! - bulldogs? Manchester people talk about it in their sleep, and when they awake find they have been dreaming about starting a canning factory. lt would not be surprising if, in their waking moments, they were to start out and do a thing like that. They have just found out at Ann Arbor that Pete Lehman, of Chelsea, who is to be deputy county treasurer, under Wm, Rehfuss, is a republican. What den-e ignorance. - Manchester Enterprise. Yes, there is a lot of it somewhere. Gottlieb Benz, of Webster, has erected a snug shed for his team, on the Lutheran church grounds. His team will undoubtedly appreciate the innovation. Looks queer however, to witness a "close communion" shed on Lutheran church grounds. J. L. Lowden, D. C. Eaton and C. H. Roberts have been designated by the probate court to array themselves each in a suit of boiler iron or other bullet proof material, and go out and determine the necessity of a drain, known as Mili Lake drain. They met yesterday at Chelsea town hall, but thus far no casualties have been reported.