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Dress - Goods - Continued

Dress - Goods - Continued image
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Every piece of Dress Goods in The Store falls into line in this great outmoving. The Stores treatment is always heroic. Always Radical - No ifs - No Exemptions - are allowed. No misrepresentation. You will find every piece of goods advertised, and Just as advertised. We are determined to sweep every piece of Dress Goods from our shelves and our counters no matter what the sacrifice may be, and commence the New Year with a New Stock. Black Dress Goods, Broadcloths, Cloakings, Silks, will sell as never before, as they never will again during the present holiday season. BLACK DRESS GOODS .No departinent of The Store has acquired greater popularity than our Black Dress Goods. Owing to the fact that here as nowhere else can be found the range of possibility in quality, variety and priee. This f all more than ever have exceptional bargains been the rule. Now all those fine high class goods arethrown on the market to sell. Must be sold before the first day of January. We will sell you in this sale All wool Flannel Dress Goods, (no shoddy), at . . 19c We will sell you in this sale 38 inch Cashmeree, straight standard goods, at . .19c We will sell you in this sale 40 inch all wool Imported Serge, never ofiered less than 49c, HSc We will sell you in this sale 46 inch all wool Imported Serge, equal to any 75c grade, for 39c We will sell you in this sale 25 piece8 48 inch all wool Serge, Germán weave, will match it with any $1 value to be had, for . . . 50c We will sell you in this sale $1.35 Soft Diagonal Serge, the fínest and most fashionable Germán weare, worth $1.35, today at . . . 59c We will sell you in this sale 5 pieces Crystal Reps, former price $1.25, for . . 8Oc We will sell you in this sale $1.25 Camels hair Cheviot, French make, soft stylish fabiïc, 49c We will sell you in this sale 45 pieces black and white Dress Fabrics, in'plaids, stripes and checks, $1.00 values, at .... 49c We will sell you in this sale 5 pieces black wide wale Worsted Serge, cut from $1 to . 49c We will sell you in this sale 46 inch wide Black Henriettas, 75c in value, for . . 89c We will sell you ín this sale 40 inch all wool imported Henriettas, lowest price 49c, for ÜJJc We will sell you in this sale Black Crystal Cords, fine all wool imported Kabric, for . 55c We will sell you in this sale Black Camels Hair Cloth, in the very best quality found, former price $1.35, for ..... 65c; - - - , - . , ___ . We will sell you in this sale 2 pieces 4(5 inch Black Crape Cloth, rut from $1, to . . 49c We will sell you in this sale 1 piece Black Crepon, cut from 85c to 49c We will sell you in this sale S0 inch Black Mohair, excellent $1 quality, for . . 60c r Friestley Black Dress Goods Reliable in every particular up to daate in every weave. - Correct in sliade and color,. Priestley's Dress Goods have acquired a reputation equaled by no other black dress fabrics. Every yard of this make bears Priestley's name and every yard sold is guaranteed to give satisfaction. These goods go with the rest j at price8 to close before New Year; this is the reason. Wa will sell you iii this sale Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.25 quality, for . $5e "We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.35 brand, fpr . $1.00 _ , - _ - , , [ We wil! sell you in this sale , Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.50 quality, for . $1.12i We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.75 quality, for . $1.35 We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettae, the $2.00 grade, for . $1.50 , We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Melrose Dress Goods, the $1.50 values, for . $1.20 "We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Crystol Rep Dress Goods, the $1.25 value, for . 80e We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Novelty Dress Goods, the $1.35 value, for . ÍM)c We will sell you in this sale Priestley's Dras 'd Alma Dress Goods, $1.25 quality, for . 80c I plack - Storni - Serge In Storm Serge we are overstocked more than in anything else in i Dress Goods line, the reason for it being the great bargains! offered us in these goods we could not resist. You now get the full benefit of our purchase. We place on sale 50 pieces 50 inch soft, line, thick Storm Serge, a guaranteed 85c value at . . . . . 49c We place on sale 20 pieces Storm Serge, 54 inches wide, never less than $1 in price, for ...... 75e We place on sale 25 pieces 56 inch very ñnest quality Storm Serge made, 8trictly $1.50 in value, to sell at ... $1.OO We place on sale 15 pieces black and blue Storm Serge, the 50c values, for . 35c I ■ - - - ■ - - ' - - - -- "We place 011 sale 10 pieces 60 Cravenette Serge, very best quality, $2.25 value, $1.65 We place on sale 10 pieces best Cordnroy, in all shades, at . . 75c CLOAHSNGS é.mm 54 inch Diagonal Cheviots, .very heavy weight, . . 75c 44 inch all-wpol Cloakings, Plaids, stripes and plain weaves, are exceedingly low at ..:.:. i)Oc 54 inch Scotch plaid and check Cloakings, all wool, at . $1.00; 54 inch fine Covert Cloth, blue, brown and gray mixtures", $1.75 i 54 inch plain Berlín Beaver, lsst year's price was $2.50, sellingat . . . . . . . $1.75 54 inch fine Scotch Mixtm-es, very handsome designs, large variety of styles, at .... $2.25 - - - j ■ MOISÉS? Í?KK] TKS bEriTO!SYo } he RAÍ iHAw Sfi.fl EU„ M& Vv'!LLínANT!C: CDNN. Silks íor Presses. Silks for Triijï ijlings. Silks for Waists. Silks for Prapery. A wonderful collection of Silks in every known weave and make to be forced out before January 1. To those who are conteinplating a Christmas present to their wifo, daughter or sister, this will be agreeable news as it rneans a large saving in any purchase yon ma make. 5 pieces black and colored Gros de Landes - the new silk weaves for 1894 f all, selling at ... $1.00 5 pieces black Arniure antique, another new design in silks, Si 1 .00 Black Moire Polka, and new silk effect, isneat and stylish, at $1.00 50 pieces figured Tañ'eta in black and colors, bonglit at a great loss to manufacturera, the regular $1 valué, the syndicate purchase make the price .... 75c 10 pieces Satin Duchess in colors only, the $1 quality, bought at 50 per cent, less than manufactureras cost, selling at 45c 25 pieces 24-inch colored Sural), close fineweaves, strictly 50c values, selling at ..... 25c 24-inch black Peau de Soie, ííatcliang & Cutters' goods, warranted, have been $1 50, now .... $1.00 22-inch doublé warp Surah, black and colors, selling at . 49c 24-inch doublé warp black Surah, the usual $1.25 quality. selling at ...... 75c 24-inch black Gros Grain, the Natchang Silk, warranted, $1 valué, selling at ..... 75c 24-inch Black Satin Cutters, goods guaranteed $1.50 valué, selling at ...... $1.00 22-inch heavy black Faille, instead of $1.25, the usual price, selling now at . . . . . . 85c Armures Bengalines Moires, black and colored figured Taffetas fish scale changeables, all ent by our great purchase. -Hl-VttjSnLlSJ Gr OHADKS 25 pieces John D. Cutter's exquisite effeets in evening shade, plain and faney stripes, changeables. Gros Grains, doublé faced Satins, all of tbem new fall designs and manufactured to sell at$2.00 to $3.50 a yard, bought at half their valué, are in this sale at . . $1.00 Crepé de Chine, all shades, black, white, blue, cardinal, cream, brown, slate, etc., at . . . 75c We have just received for the holidays an enormous assortment of silks for drapery and faney work. THE PKICE HAS NEVER BEEN SO LOW. Crepé China Silks, something new, very handsoine designs at 50c 25 different designs in ñgured China Silks at 55c and . 4í)c 20 pieces plain China Silk, 24 inches wide, good shades for evening wear, always sold at 65 to 75c, will go at . 25c MH S S 5 35 0 Si 3 S SS % Bb - - - . - 8 Sr T B3S Sf BV i ÍS ! " There is no more desirable material for tailor-made dresses than i good quality of Broadcloth. We are skowittg the very best made n foreign manufacture, many lines of which ve are closing at ne-half the price yon have been payiiif. W'e place on sale Í5 pieces fine Frencli Broadcloth - Green, Navy, Black, Tan and Cornflower; have sold as high as $1.75, now worth $1.00, for . . .. 53c


Ann Arbor Argus
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