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Furgarments, Cloaks And Capes

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Live legitímate Merchandising finds its truest expression here. Our efforts in the direction oí making our Cloak Eepartnient the Toremost, the Most Popular in the State, have been successful beyond expectation. lts fame as a Cloak Center extends in every direction. As an exponent of everything that is correct in Style, Make and Fabric, it is recognized by all No passé garinents here. No attempting to palm off previous season's styles to this fall's make. If a winter coat can be found in our entire department, not new this fall, the finder can have it Free. Who else can make this offer ? This is tie reason everyone comes to The Store when they want an up to date garment. OUR FU RG ARM ENTS.- Have this year divided the honors with our Cloth Garments. We have now in stock a full line of Capes and Coats of every kind of fur worn. Every garment sold is ful]y guaranteed to be absolutely perfect and satisfactory in every respect. $11.00 will buy a first class whole skin Astrachan Cape, full sweep, made to sell for $16.50, we make it a leader at ..... . ...... $11.00 $15.00 will buy a whole skin Astrachan Cape, 30 inches long, full sweep, and a regular $22.50 garment, cut to ---..--..... $15.00 $7.50 will búy a 27-inch long, full sweep Coney Cape, a $10.00 gaament, cut to $7.50! $13.50 will buy a whole skin Astrachan Cape, a regular $1 8.50 garment, cut to - - - $13.50 $18.00 will buy a regular $25.00 Astrachan Cape. cut to -..._. $18.00 $24.00 will buy a 30-ineh long Astmchan Cape, full sweep, a $30.00 garment, cut to - ■ $24.00 $27.00 will buy a 30-inch Moire Astrachan Cape, a $35 00 garment, cut to - - - - $2700 $32.50 will buy a 30-inch long, full sweep, Wool Seal Cape, Astrachan Edged, a $40.00 garment, cut to $32 50 $34.00 will buy a 27-inch Wool Seal Cape, Harten Collar and Edge, a regular $42.00 garment, cut to $34.00 $68.00 will buy an elegant Beaver Cape, a regular $85.00 garment, cut to - $68.00 $45.00 will buy a 27-inch Marten Cape, a regular $55.00 garment, cut to $45.00 $22.50 will buy an Astrachan Jacket, a garment worth $35.00, cut to - $22.50 $47,00 will buy an Astrachan Jacket, cut from $65.00, to $47 .00! $52.50 will buy an Astrachan Jacket, a regular $75.00 garment, cut to - - $52.50 $75.00 will buy a fine Seal Jacket, a $95.00 garment, cut to $75.00 OHIILiIIlE3r SEST. i $1.50 will bny a Thibit Set, in white and colored, cut from $2.50, to - - . $1.5O $3.00 will buy an Angora Set, in white and colors, cut from $4.50, to - - $3.00; MUFFS and CRAVATS. ANIMAL CRAVATS. Keal Alaska Seal, Mink, Beaver, Marten, Krimmer, French Coney, . . . $1.25 Electric Seal, . . . $2.00 coon, Opossum, Nutria Thibet, EleetricSeal, ranging from Water Mink, .... $2.25 Persian, f2.25 50c for a good hair to $12 for the very best Real Seal. Astrachan, . . . $2.50 Best Mink, .... $4.00 DECEMBER SALE IN CLOTH GARMENTS. 200 sample Garments, all new and stylish, no two alike, will be sold 1-3 off regular valué. 25 different styles Ladies' Fine Chinchilla and Fur Beaver Coats, make the very swellest garments of tha season, we have them in black, navy and Oxford mixed. Our sample purchase enables yon to get them at $7.5O to $20. Ladies' Fine Kersey Coats, strictly tailor made garments, plain and beautifully apliqued, black, navy, tan and Oxford mixed, value $15 to $30, selling 1-3 less. Ladies' Fine Euglish Cheviots, very haavy cloth, in wide and narrow Wale, storm collars of Marten fur, Navy Black, Seal and Mottled effects, coat styles and full backs, 42 to 45 inches long, regular price $15 to $35, selling at 1-3 less. Plain Beaver Garments have been very popular with the trade this fall and are dressy and durable. We have made great efforts tp get the best to be had in the market in popular styles and popular prices, how well we have succeeded ia shown by the ever increasing, ever growing trade in Cloaks. "WE OPFE3R :F"OI=L X3ESOE!IJ::O3eSR, 50 all wool Beaver Garments, 42 inches long, best styles and make, a regular $13.50 seller, at $10. 45 all wool Beaver Garments, 40 to 46 inches long, Blue, Brown and Black, Plain and Fur trimmed, in which are many 1-3 ofi garmets, worth $18, for $12. $14.25. A big line Beaver Garments in a great variety of styles and make, of the finest Berlin Beaver in all colors ; are strictly $20.00 values, to sell at $14.25. Worumbo Beaver Garments are the finest and dressiest made. We have them in long tailor made styles, in the best shades, at $18.00 to $25.00. Ladies' Worsted Garments, are always a staple article in our Cloak Deprrtment. This year the very desirable neat styles in which they are made together with extremely low prices, make them more sought after than ever. For $10 we are showing a bandeóme heavy Clay Worsted Garment, cut in coat style, 42 inches long, sold last year for $15.00, for $10.00. 1 Chil&rens' and Misses' LONG COATS REEFERS The lona Newmarkets for Young Ladies is the neweet idea iu long Coats. It is made with detachable hood, divided cape, of double-facen Scotch mixture in gray and navy, $12 to $25. Children's Gretchen and Newmarkets, 50 different styles, Scarlet and Oxford Cheviots and Beavers, trimmed with fnr and braid. Plain Beaver Coats in Navy Bluette, Tan, Brown, and Black, fancy Scotch novelt:es in light and dark mixtures, plain and fnr trimmed, with Capes, Iloods and Fancy Collars, in prices from $2.50 to $12. Childrens' and Misses' Reefers, plain and very fancy styles in Navy, Red, Brown and Black, $5 to $12. Infants' and Childrens' long and short cloaks, White, Cream and Colored Cashineres, silk emrroidered, $1 to 3.50. Childrens1 Eiderdown Garments, made from plain and fancy, light and dark eolorings, white, gray, cardinal and moftled effeets, $1.50 to $4.5O. J íijiporfcedsCape. Velour de Nordaud Plush Capes, full sweep. Embroidered in Vandyke designs, edged with Oppossum and Marten Fur. The latest Berlín styles. Regular price, $15 to $50 ; will be sold at 1-3 less. GOLFICAPES,_ Made from the tínest doublé" faced Scotch mixture Tartán, plaid lined, selling"at"$9700"toÍ25."00r"" Derby or Tourist Capes Made fromüne Mclton, Beaver, Kersey and 'Covert f Cloths, in blue, black'brown, Oxford " and"bi'uêïtiêT Helling at $7.50 to f 18.75. T" iifP 'Y 't ' '' ■ i( 'V I e 'v ir ■ : I1, i ■ ft1' ; ï


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