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Thanksgiving Day

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Chicago, Nov. 20.- The reports of the Dbservance of Thanksgiving Day from H parta oí the country Indícate that it is beIng observed in the oíd time inanner. ín ll the big clties thore were dlstributlons of good things among the poor, well loaded tables In the homos of the well-to-do, and a general suspension of business. In tli is city the day did not pass without bringing to the hoarts and the stomachs of tlio poor and atïlicted poople in the private and public eleainosynnry institutions of the city its proportion of pleasure. The dumb, halt, blind, and sick were well taken care of and the good things were pald for by charitable persons, who in some cases wero permitted to be present mul watch, for the satisfaotion of their own rlghteousness, the thankfulness in general of the recipients of their bonefaclions. Hig IVinncr for the Insane. Superintendent Nash, of the insane Lsylum mul poor house at Dunning, preared a big dinner tor his charges, and vlmt thanks thi: dementad ones ware unible to formúlate were supplied by the ;ounty's charetos in the poor house. A jlorious repast was serrèd. Dementia, ihrough mie of niiture's blessinars, does lotdepriv the suffere! of a ltisty apietite, and the insane at Dunning Jreiurned thanks by reflex actiou in the line 3f bodily gratifieation of a fuü and thoroughly satisfled scomach. There was turkey in plenty ior the poor and the insane. Cranberry Bauco was not lacking, and minee pk' was added totliesuperfluity af go(xl things dispensd. Fruit was bo served for dessert. At supper tlie patients will be givon a taste of cake. Jaltbirdl Nt ForgottenPrisoners in the county jail were remembered providentially in a most gratifying way. They were served with turkey and cranberry sauce. For those gourmets whoso palates were too flnely bred to stand the coarso turkey meat tliere was an abuudance of chickeu well and appetizingly cooked. Wild duck was not served this yoar. Sheriff Gilbert spent two days looking for wild duek for his guests, bút left the market in disgust at the poor quality of the fowl that was offered him. And so the prisoners on the north sidsï were compellotl to do the best they couid on turkey and chicken. A choieií of cake or bread was given with the meal. Patiënt at the Hospltals. At the Mercy hospital a big turkey dinner was sfirved with all the "trlmmings," as the stewardess said. The day was celebruted religiously with the services that are oustomary on Sunday. Several frieads of St. Luke's hospital remembei-od that line institution and sent it enough supplies to make up a fine dinner for the patients. These were made as comfortable us conld be by the managers. At the county hospital a flne turkey dinner was served the patients, and as pleasant a day as is possible In the circunistances was spent.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News