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Council Proceedings

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CouncilTiiambek, i ss Akbok, Xov.:!4tb, 18M. Special session. ('allod to order by the Clerk. Boíl called. A quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner, Suyder, Manl, Prettynuan aud President' Wlnes. - i. Aid. Brown was eleeted cbairman, pro tem. Following ia the cali oí this meeting: City os ans arbou, Michigan i MAYOR" ObVli K. I l'u the City (Jluik: T hereby cali a special meeting ol' tlie Ooramon Councíl for Saturd.iy eveuinK. Nov. 34rh, at T::0 o'clock, to take proper actlon concernInfftbe death of our Street OommJssioner. Ntlson Sutherland. C. G.DAKLINCi, Ann Arbov, Nov. 24, 1834. Mayor. Aid. Kitson movedthata comuiittee of three be nppointed, of which Aid. Brown shall be one of said committee, to (halt proper resolutions on the death of our Street Commissioner, A'elson öutherland. Adoptcd. The Chair appointed Aid. Martin nd Taylor the other two meiubers of aid cimunittee. On motion, a recess of ten minutes was taken. After the expiiation of ten minutes he Council re-assembled and the eommittee on resolutions offered the folowing: "Whereas. We the Counoll of the Oity of Anu Arbor, have leained with sincere grief of he death of Street C'ommissioner, Nelson nthorland, wno has ol)eyed the summonsof the Supreme Huler of tlie Universe to lay iown the burdens of this earthlylife and to entor into the rewards of a nobler and happier exlstenoe: And, Whereas, His f-.itthl'ul and untiringsorvicea for the public we fare, his unselflsh and uiiswervlns ctevotioti to the highest lntoresta of our city, his unsulliecl character and uiirijilit eoniïiiot, are deeined wortliy to be oommemorated in a public manner; líe t Kesolved, 'i'hat the (Jommon Countil lu-knowledKOs with feellngs of hijfhest esteeni and regard the and manly character of our late a,ssociate and frlPrW, and tliat keenly as we appreeiate the loss our city has siistained in the dealh of so good i inau and tlic sorrow that welpha upon tho hearts of so mariy of our cltlzens, vet we would not cali htm back to the toü and Milt'eritiR; trom whlch he has boen set tree; Heit Finther Resolved, That the hearlfelt symputhyuf this body and throutr'i it of : il the branches of the city guvernment Is extended to the litmily of the deceased In their deep sorrow ; Be it Further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon our records :ind that the City Olerfi be and is hereby inetructed to pieaent to the faniily au engrossed copy ol the tíanie," II J. BROWN. OHKIMTIAN MARTIN, WaLTEU L. TAV LOK, Commlttee Aid. Martin moved that the resol u tious be accepted and adopted. Adopted. By Ald.Taylov: Resolved, That the Common Oóuncil assemble at the City Building, on Sunday.Nov. 25th at2o'clock p. m.. tor thepurposeof uttendiug: in i body the funeral of our friend and associate, the late Nelson Sutherland. Adopted. Aid. Martin moved that the City Clerk is hereby diiected to engage a sufiicient number of hacks tor the Council and city otticers to attend the funeral. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmen dinger, Wood, Fergnson, Brown, Tay lor, Kitson - 8. Najs- None. On motion the Couneil adjournéd. City Clerk.


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