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Estáte of George M. Henion. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of WasbteTKTw .hh. At aession ofiin Probate Court Sor the Ooimty of Waintoimu ,Íi4Men at the Probate OtBce. in the C:y ot Aun Arbor. on Tueaday, the Klthdayot N'ovtm r, Ia the jtr one thouaaud eiuht hundred aud uinety-four. Present, ■. Wiilanl llnbbiu, Judgeof l'rohate. In the matter of the estáte of George il. Henion. deceased. On reading the petition, duly verifled, of Susnn K. lieinun,iiuyiUK ilmt a ei rtain instraineut now on file in this court. purport ing to 1 the Umi will and tea an ent of said deceased may be udmitted to problte, and that .iduiinistration of said est:e may be grauted to herself and Oertrad .M.Uiu mi, iheexecuto in snid wilt named,or to souie othcr imitable porson. Thermipon it is ordered, that Monday, the tcuth day of December neit, at ten o'olock utta lorenoou, be assiyued for the hearing of said petition, and tliai tbe deviseee, leuater-, and neira at law of sald deceased, aud all other persons mterested in said estáte, are required to appear ut Mmloo of id court tht-u to be holden at tbe Probate office in the city oí' Aun Arboi , .nl lio causet if any there bc, why the nraycrof the petitioner íüuuld not be Kmntcd : Ai'i il intunbci ortïerfd ibat liaid petitioner give nctice to tbe pernon iim'rested i' ftiid iw,st-'or thepeudencr of paid petition, and th bearim; thereof, by caiiátng auopy oí' thi nrvl i ío üE puMUbed ia the As Ahbor AKurs. a uewauapor printeil and circiiiuteJ iu saM county, tlnei Huccessive weeks previou ti. said ilay ot' lifKritiR. J. WII.LARUBABBITT. LAtrueoopy.] Jad ge of Probate. W. O. Doty. Probate Register Estáte ot Charles E. Lowrey. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtenaw, ss. At a scssion of the Probate Court tor the county of Waehtenaw, bolden at the probate omce in tbe city of Ann Arbor, ou Wednesday, the 24th day of October, in the year one thousand e-ight hundred and ninety-four. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In ihc matter of the eatate ol' Charles E. Lowrey, deceased. On roadintand flling the petition, duly rorifled, ofMary T. Lowrey, praying that a certuin instrument now on file in this Court, purporting to bea duly autheaticated copy of the lust will and testament of aaid deceaaed aud the probate thereof in the state of Colorado, may be admitted to probate in this Court and tlmt admtnistration with tbe willannexed, of said estáte may be irranted to James H. McDonald, or sonie other suttable person. Thereupon i1 is ordered, that Saturday. the 17ta day of November next, at ten oolock in the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the de viseen, leñatees ana heirs at law of Huid deceased, nd all other persons interested in saidostaU) are requlred to appear at a sewion of said oourt, theu to be holdeu at the l'robate Office in tbe city of Anu Arbor, and show canse, if inv there be why the prjiyer of the petitioner sbould not be grant'u. And it in further ordered that said putitioner give notice to tbe persons in terested insaid estáte, ofthependency of said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be. published in the Ann Arbor Akgds, a newspaper printed and ctroulated in said county three BuccedniTe week previous to said dav of hearing. J. W1I.LARD BABHITT, A tmeoopy.) Judge of Probate. WilliamG. Doty. Probate Kegistet. Estáte of William Robert Price. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ oí Washtenaw, 88. At a sesaion of the Probate Court for theCouuty of Washtenaw, bolden ttt the Probate OtÜce iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the teuth day of November, iu the yearone tbouaand eight hundred and ninety-ibiir. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judpe of Probate. Id the matter of tbe edtate of William Robert Price, deceased. On reading and flling: the pt'titioa,duly verifled, of Gertrude S. Price, praying that a ctrrtaio Instrument now on file in tbis court, purporting to be the laat will aad teníame nt of said deceaeed nwiy be admitted to probate and thut tidniinistriitiui! of said estáte may be granteil to hertelf, tho executor iu said will namcd, or tobOine other sultable person. DThereupo it ia ordered, that Monday, the KHh day of December next, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon beassitfnediorthe hearing of aaid petitinn,nnd that the devihees, leñatees and helrt at law of said deceased and all other persone nterested in taid esl;iiy, are required to Hppear at u aOStluQ of saut court, theu to be holden at tbe Probate OÖice, iu the ;ity of Ann Arbor, aud show OftUH, if any there be wbv the Drayer of tbe petitioner should not be wby the prityer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it ia furtber orcteied that aid petltioner give notice to tle pflnoni interested in aaid estáte, ot the peiidrnry ol aaid petition and the hem-ing causing a cupy ofthia onJer to be publiahed m the Ann Akboh Akgus, a uewspaper printed aDd cireui.iu .1 in K:iid county three successive week.-: previüus tosaidday of heantir. J. WII.LaBD BABB1TT, (A truccopy; Judgsof Probat. Wï.U Uotv l'rohateltcanster. Estáte of Rebecca Henriques. STATE OF ÏIICH1GAN, COÜNTV OF Washtenaw, ss. At a seseion of tho Probate Court ïor the County of VVashteuuw, holden at the Probate Otltce in the Oltv of Aan Arbor, on Thureday. the 15th day of November, ia the year one thousand eight hundred andninety-four. Present, J. Willird Babbitt, Judee of Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte of Bebeco Henriquee, deceased. Hornet' J. Ijiither, the admlnistrator de bonis non with tiie will annexed, of suid eytate, comes iuto court and representa that he íb now prepured to reuder hin final account aa such administrator. Tbereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 4th day of December next, at 10 o'eiock In the forenoon, be assigned for examiDinir and allowingsuoh account, and that tho deviseee, legateer, heirs-at-law of said deeeased, and all other pereons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Oourt, tnen be to holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in ssid County, and show cause, if any there be, why the suid account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said administrator giye notice to the persons interested in gaid estáte, of tbe pendency of said account, and the hearing: thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bo published in the Ann Arbor Arfrus, a newspaper printed andcirculatinif in said county, two successive weeks previous to said day of hearJ. WILLARD BABBITT, Judge of Probate. [A true copy.l VVm.G. Dotv. Probate Resistor. Estáte ot Sarah Gayley-Browne. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court tor Ihe Countv of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office n the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the llth day of Novemoer, in the yearone thousand eight hundred nnd ninety-four. Present, J . Wilhud Babbitt, Judije of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Saruh tiayleylirowue, deceaaed. On readintr and üling the pctition.duly verined. ol Audrew A. Browne, praying thut uriministration of said estáte inay bc granted lo hiiuself or some other suiiable person. Thereupon it is ordered.that Monday, the lOth day of December next, at ten o'cluck id the forenoon, be asslRncd tor tlic hearing of gaid petitiOK and that the hei at law oí said deceased, and all other persons interested la Buid estáte are required to appear at a session of a&W court, then to bc holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petltioner should not begranted. And it ia further ordered, that said petltioner give notioe to the persons intereeted !n said estáte of the peadency o! saitl petition and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Abboh Akgus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three succenaive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT [A true copy.] J odge of Probate. Wm. U. Dott. Probate Reilater Sealed Proposals Wanted. Sealed proposal.s wlll be received at the City Olerk's office dI the City of Ann Arbor upto December lst, 18D4, at 4 o'clock p. m., for lighting the streets of the city of Ann Arbor with 91 are lihts of 2,000 eandle xjwer, to run from siuiown to 12:30 a. m,, on Phlladelphia schedule of mooulight lighting; oontract to run for one year. The riirht to reject any and all bids 8 reserved by tho Comuion Council. y order of the Comuicm Council. W. J. MIIXER, City Clerk. Ann Arbor, October 2,189. effi] ELECTRIG TELEPHONË =lii Sold OQtright, no rent, no rojaltj. Adnpte.1 IFWn to City. VilliiKO or Country. Needed in everr 1 -TcrM home, nhop, Btore nnd office. Greateatconrei;.iit} ience nnd best aeller on eiirth. f"1i'?3"! AL'ii mak' Trom SS lo50 pfrllli' il gJ'lf One in n rMÍ'iejH moans n siile to all Ifn 1 Z neiwhborn Fine in.strunints. no tovs. v'n y, „nywhere, any disUnoe. Comilete, roady :■ - . n-e wl.en shipred. Can he pnl up by anj ir ■, vêroul ai i ■ '. non nnt, Instj e. .a r Amnnoy ni! er. wri.e - iW.P.Harriscn&Co ,C!t.k 0. Cuiumlus.Ok


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