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Remarks Of Kolb And Oates

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Kolb's meeting opencü with prayer and e then arose and said that "by frauds uf he gravest character the tltle of the office as been conferred upon Colonel Oates. ie is today adding insult to injury by cceptlng the higliest office at your gift, well knowiug that it is betowed upon dm by fraudulent acts of the party offiials controlling the polls. 1 would iueed be an ingrate if I failed to protest ïere today in behalf of two-thirds of the white voters of Alabama against such wilful usurpation. "As outliiiel in my address to the people I have taken the oath of office and ivrorn in as gvivernor de jure of this state. If a fair and honest ballot law is passed by the present general assembiy, hat wouUl settle all the trouble and bo satisfactory to the people as well is to myself; if this act of jusiice is denled us, hen we will inake an appeal to the general governinent, oonfidently relying on the justice o( our causo and believing tliat n tho end riglit will trlumph and a trim rtepublican form of governmeut be guaran teed to our beloved state.' Oates ilevotcd ïnucli of his inaugural to j the quarrel, bat denied the charges made jy Kolb, declaring that what fraud there was had been done by both parties in about equal dearee. He would not have accepted the oöioe, he said, if he had not aeen fairly elected, but added tlie ng: "Ifthere were any irregularities or 'alse oounts returned in favor of my eleo;ion it was attributable to the appreaension of the whole people of those counties that they nüght in the event of ;he eloction of my competitor be again Bubjectcd to flagrant wrongs and humlliations similar to those they enjoyed froni 18Ö7 to 1875." Inspiteof her dual governmenl Alabania enjoyed as peaceful and quiet a Smiday as any state in the Union. Most of the visitors, including tlietwcnty-six eompanies of state troops, have left the city. Neither Governor Oates nor Captain Kolb has been seen on tlie streets. The eouncll of the Populist leaders called for Saturday afteriuion was not held. It has developed that there is a split- a decided split- in the Populist ranlcs on the itiauguration move. It hns lc.iked uut that the rnembers of that party in the legislátiire were united against tiio iuauguration of Captain Kolb and did all in thelr power .by writing to their constituents to keep Kolb's portera away trom the oity. Onlookers ac the Kolb inauguration recall the fact tlutt only two ur three of the Populist meinbers were in the orowd whicli heard Kolb's address Kollxletormined upun the inauguration scheine whicli callBd his supporters hore witliom Consulting any of his part; leaders.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News