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COUNCII. CHAJIBKK, ) A.NS AKBOR, Mich., Dec. 3, IS9-I.Í Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Alls. Taylor and Kitson - 2. ïhe journul oï the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. KKOM TUK BOAKI) OV PUBLIC WORKS, Tu ilir. Honorable the Cemmon Comtril: In complianee with yourrfisolution of Nov. 12 1894, aaklng for an estímate as to the cost of' plací ng inain sewer on grade that is ottgradeou Depot, street. ihe board submits the following estimules made by the City Kntii neer : :l)ü ft. treneh, averag depth l". ft. 5 in- 4?0 00 Sand to puck tile 800 ft 80 0 1 l'ement and oakuni- "0 UOOft. 2-1 IHCh pipe 180 (W Engineering, - - 53 60 Total I 60 liv order of the Board of Public Works, W. .1. MILLER, Clerk. ('lcrk Miller reported tliat the estimate of the 5th ward braneh of tnain sewer was made and reported to this eouneil by the City Engiiieer Oct. Ist, 1894. By Al.l. W.iod: Reeohed, That the Board of Public Works be and :ire heraby instmcted to advertise tor blds lor pluOlDfi tlie juain sewer on Dppot Ktieet on gra'ie, to be completed .lan.lütli. 1S)I3. and also for construct Ing the branonof raaln sower in tlie ótli ward, to bc completad May löth, 1895. A división of the question was ealled for. Tlie Chair put the fírst quéstión all wlio are in favor of isking for bids, for placingn%aiu sewer on grade on Depot street, and work to be done immediately, after contract is cxeuuted. l'lic yeas iml nays beinj? cftlled fr, the resolution was adopted, as follows : Veas- Aids. Wagner, Bodnier, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Jirown, Maiily, Prettyman, President Wines- 11. Nays - None. The Chair put the second question, all who are iu favor of asking for bids for building the 5th ward branch of the niain sewer, and the same to be coinpleted May löth, 1895. The yeas and nays beiug called, it was adópted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodnier, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Prettyman, President Wines - 1 1. Nays - None. The Clerk reported that lie had received orie bid in answer to the caJL for sealed propoaals, 'for lighting the streets of the city of Ami Arhor, the ensuing year. Following is the bid made : Ann Akbob, Mich., Ist Dec, 1894. W. .1. Miller. City Clerk, Ann Arbor. Dtar Sir: The Ann Arbor T.-H. Klectric Co. will iight the streets of Ann Arbor, for 1895. Hocordlng to tlie cali for sealed proposals. for seventy-three dollars ($7:ï.uO) for are lamp, and thirty-six dollars for eacli ti" c. p. lamp, w'lh same contract as this year. Yonrs truly, A. A. T.-H. Electric Co ., per J. E. BEAL. Sec. Refefr&d to the Connnittee on mg. KKI'Olil'S OF STANDING COJESHTTBEB. KIXANUE. 'l'ii CommoE t'onncil : Vour Commlttee on Finance respeetfully report thaf tliey have luid tho fullowing lills under consideiation, and recommend theu allowanoe and warrants prdered drawn, t siuiis Btatedi CONTIN'OENT UIIN1). W. J. MHlci-, salary ü V John W. Betmett, salary-- " O" ['. O' Hearn, salary 88 34 George H. Pond, salary - Marvin Davenport, jaultor-- ti 'm S'. . G. DieterlP, supplies UU W.J.Miller, supplies :.' 30 .losepli A. Polhemus, three hacka and norse hire - - 50 Caspor Kinsey, supplies 1 00 Louis Rhode, canncl coal 3 f!O Moore & Wrtmore, supplies : 18 .lohii Andrés, ico '■' Martin SobaUer, supplies i 40 .JoeGeromiller, taU-iiiKdcwnawiiingB, 1 50 Bohub & Muetüig, stove for let wsird election - 0" Mrs. Kuhn, cleaning offices. :! 20 The Ann Albor T.-ii. Klectric uompany, iri-i'i lijfhting 604 38 Charles Winkle, labor : "5 Wil Ham Kuebn, labor 2 10 ('lay Ureene, bal. due on offloe rent, November 20 tl L. .. Koerster, bal. due him on Order of Olay Greene i "0 Sul w. Miiiard, prlntlng--.. i no A.T. Huiïhes, record nir th ree deed s - t'A Total $ 871 52 SKWEH FUND. George ÍP. Key, salary í 100 oo Charles H. Spt;nuer, offlcc work '■ !)7 Leouard Bassett, sewer Inspector 56 25 W. E. StockiiiK. " " 68 25 Williara Walsh, " " 88 76 I). B. Whwler, " " 58 50 George Fisober, labor - 32 ü2 l'ruk Sutherland, ubor 26 42 Schuh Muehllff, upplies 4 05 C. Eberbacb, Bunplies - :i 0Í Slevenson, Kcia, öclmltz & Fernirie. work comploted in Sewer District No. 1 ---- 1,488 38 Herman Hutzel, work completed in Sewer District NO.2... l.lTó 95 A. T. HuitheB, recording20 dceds 23 00 E. W. Groves, inspector - 59 38 Tolal 3,091 8:S STREET ÍTJND. Nelsoa Sutherland, salaiy-. 4 ffl WillieClark, labor : 4U ISarm-y Langer, labor ', ih Jonathan ürake. labor : 4." Richard Zobbs, labor 2 4. George James, labor 8 85 Chrlstlan JettL-r. labor 2 25 Nloholaa Htnderlong, lubor 2 7u Charlea Schmid, labor t0 l'atrick McCabe, laber 2 1U Charles Kadtke, labor 4 05 Krank BohultZ, labor 2 7 . hnMian Laramee, labor 2 70 Anirust Bonke, labor 1 35 Gustuvt Wnltei-8, labor 1 35 Michacl Hessin, labor 1 20 William Kuelin, labor % 99 A. F. Kosser, labor 00 Charles Wiukle, labor :t :0 Barne; Mast, labor H 45 Georire James, labor.... 6 40 .Michaol Kustrer, labor :i 9(1 William Wheeler, horse and cart 2 25 1'. 1). RosreiN, leain-labor B 10 Mioiikis llaniioti, " 8 10 John Mollua-h, " ., 2 70 El lae Saaier, " 7 80 Mlohael Rerey. " 5 1 A. Voorlieis. ' " 2 40 Geo. W Seybold, blucksmithiiiK 8 80 A. G.Sehmld, " 5 45 James Doneiraii, " 1 lu Wu!-irer& Kim, " i:i Kt Dean & Couipany, supilies 5 05 Suhuh & Muehlig-, ■ 218 Braun & Sou, 35 Wajriier & Kieimann, " 4 00 EssllngerA Bros . blaOKimltblng 1 tv K. J. Kojrers, supplles 11 EB State Savings Bank. accounts asslgned ibetu follows: Geo. I.avere, labor i 7 86 Charles Winkltí " 'i 70 w IHiam Wlieoler, horsc & cart 12 99 William ('oohron, n-am-labor 48,4"i % 71 7S 71 711 Total 387 17 BH1UÜB, CUIA'KKT AND CltOSSWALK KUN1). Chai. Winklc. labor,... $ 6 26 Jobuph Hutzel, " - 35 Oscar Scliruder, " 32 (.'bas. Stevens, " 1 l-'red Ulrk-h, " 78 Michael Williams " - B 45 Geo. James, " I 35 chas. Glaaser, iabor assg-., Mach & Scbmld 5 40 Thomas Horen, labor ases?., A. A. Sav. Bank 5 15 Miohael Kusterer, labor asss. to P. P. Reiniold -. - 4 35 John McHugn, snow plowing 1 'o Bennet Krenuli, " 3 00 Martin Nagle, " 1 SO M'chael Kusierer, " 3 00 Elias Sadler, " -i uo Abraham Voorhies' " and teaining IT 70 Clinton .1. Snyder, team-labor 2 70 Thomas Han non, " K 70 Michael Herey, " 21 UO William Kculin. labor - 8 18 Frank .Mlmeiidinger. üS loads gravel 5 76 S. Wood & ■ o.,lumbcr, 26 :i Patrick McOabe, labor 1 20 ürossman& Sclilenker, supplies VI ül John Baumgardner, supplies 2 00 Cbriotian Frank " 2 75 Geo. W. Weeks, puviiiK stone and gravel - 28 flö James Tolbert, luraber "0 MK G. Godfrey. draylng - 7 10 R. C. liarney, three stone slabs 3(i 90 Vm. H. Mclptyre, supplies ö0 Louis Hhoile, cement, etc :W H:i Luiok Rros., luinber. etc. 7 55 State Savinss Bank, accounts asmg-ned thom as i'ollows: Goorge .lames labor $ 12 90 Charles Stevens, " 3 75 Fred Ulricli, " 1 18 Utorge Lavere, " --- ■ 2.) Chas. Winkle, " 1140 Wm. Wfinmann, " ; 45 Hiram Kittredge, .Ir., labor... 2 33 4: 20 30 Total 8T4ÓB FlL DKI'AUTMKNT KHJND PredSlpley, salary 0 00 i;. A. Edwui'ds, ' 50 00 W. H. McLaren, ' - 50 00 MaxWituinger, " -- 'o 00 Albert West. " -r0 0U Eugene Williams, --- 45 011 Herman Kim, " töW Samuel McLaren 4'J Cü Louis Hoelzle, " 0 William Kcttich. " ... .-' 00 Kdward Hoelzle, " 00 W. L. Schuierle, " 00 M.C. Ryun, " s 00 Mis. I!. Reain, wasbing 5 0(1 S. Wood&Co.. lumber W ,T, F Lawrence, hay 13 04 Wadliame, Kyan & Keule, 12 rubber coats .... 00 E. B. Hall. coal. - 28 9 Bobert. Huuter. repairs.- - 2 00 Kyer Milling Co., feed 2 40 Walker & Co., repairs 7 00 Kearns & Alber, horae shoeing 27 10 Total - 558 87 l'Or.lCB FIINT). P. S. Banftald, salary 03 00 David Oollins, salary 50 00 Keuben Armbruster, salary 40 00 Georse Isbell. salary 6fl 00 William E. Eldert, salary -'0 00 C. Brunner. sub for H. Armbruster... 10 00 M. C. Peteraon. special pólice -- B 00 Jos. A. Polliemus. horse hire 1 'il Hailey &low, makiiigkeys, otc 1 75 Morgan . Puhl & Morris: pol ice buttons 2 94 S A Frenoli. eliief buttons 192 Wm A.Thorpe& Co., poltoe badge. .. 111 Wm. G. Difterie, repaiTing and finishing wardrobe - " 0 Total - 281 72 WATKK KUM. Miller & Sou, repairlng 5th ward public pump -- 8 75 E. L, Sohneider. repairs on water trough --■ 50 Total 10 86 PpOR FUNI). FredSinley, salary - 10 0 w H. Wilion, 25cordsblock wond - : 25 T A. A. & N. M. H. R. Oo., f reiglit om wood -- -- 22 W H.J. lirowTi medicine ' 2 P. Burg, grocerlea - ■ 3 :)o 3eo. Cmlgr, liack lilre io E. E. Beal, shoes . 2 00 Rdwüi-d Duffy, ïioceries --- 9 4H Doty & Koincr, shocs g Jg Juhii Eisele. frrocerh'S ' Oo Mrs. Ann Evans, aid 3 (X John Goètz, ir., grooeries 4 25 Jolin oei. & Bon, groceries li 3 E. B Hall, coal - 10 0 William F. Loilliolz, Kroceries 8 i.i O. M. Martin, coffln.-.. '0 00 William H. Mclntyre, roeeries 18 41 O'Hara & Boylu, jiroceries - 3 5(1 ('asper Hinsey, grocerles 10 W Hinsey & Seabolt. grooeries 158 W. F.'stim8on. groceries " os O. w. Vogel, meat 1 ": Charles Zurn. meat - ! Waflhams, Ryan S Kcule, clothinsf.... 2 (O Total i 06 UECAIMTUIATION. Contangent Fuud - 'l Gj[ Sewer Fund :.OM1 88 Street Fund-.- - ""5'Sí H Bridge, Culvert and C'rosswalk l'uud. -W4 0b Fire Fund 2? E Pólice Fund-. - 2gJ ':; Poor Fund. - - 189 06 Water Fund ___ Total S.4 9 Kespectfully submilted. FKANK WOOD, C. H. MANLY. Firiance Acce])ted, and rercommendafcions eoncurref] in, as follows : Yeaa- Aids. Wasrner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendiriger, Wood, Shyder, Ferguson, Brown, -Manly, Prettyuian, President Wines - 11. Nays - None. KROM BIOEWALK rDMMITTEK. To the ('oaiiitoi Coundl: Your Committee on sklewalks, to whoin was rel'erred tlie propoeed grade on Seventh Bt for slUewalk on the east Blde, between Huron st. and Miller ave., yonr committee caused to be prepaied. herewlth subinitthe proper resolutlor. establishing the same, uid rocommend that t be adopted. Respectfully submilted, C. H. Masli , 1). F. AIjMendisgeu, C. W. Wagner, C. J. SSYDKK, II. .1. Brown, .Sidewalk Committee. Accepted, ad leave being granted, tlio following resolutiun was offereü: l'.y A'lü. Míinly : vhei:kas, in the opiniou of the Council the rrade oí the sidewalk on the sida "t seventh street oiiiíht to be ehanged fina Bxea hikI otuhlisliL'ii, to tlie eud tliat saco Btreei may be sultable und siife for public travel, thuivfore. Remlved, and It is aereby ordered that tne grade of the Bidewalk n the eust side ol Seventli strel froni nortli Hue of Hurón to the soutliwsat Une 'f Millerave., be, aiul t lie sume is hereby chansed. fixed nd estabMshed, so that tlie grade ofaald sidewalk. on nnU along tlie etreet aíoresald símil be as follows, thut s to say: Atnorth line ol "Hurón st SSó.OO fi. Atöü rt. north of the noith line of Hurón st _ _8fB.OO " At 150 It. uorth oí the north Hue of Hurón st --82") 00 " At3(IO a. north of tlie norlh Une of Hurón st 8-22.W ■ At 2&.I ft. uorth of the norlh Une of Hurón Rt 8S1 00 " At .SU ft. north of the north line of Hurón st 822.00 " At4U0 II. north of tlie north lineof Hurón st_ Sw.UO " At600 fl. north of tlie nortn une of UUron st 829.SQ ' At(iiKj ft. nortli of the north line o! Hurón st Sil 00 " At i:0 It. nortn of llie north hne ol' Hurón st. 881.00 ' At 750 ít. nortii of the north hue of Hurón st _ 829.00 " At 1,000 II. nortli of the north liae of Hurón st 882.00 " At 1 100 II. nortli of the north line of Hur. u st 820.50 " At 1,200 ft. norlh of tlie north line of Hurón st 82Ü.50 " At 1,450 11. norlh of tlie uorth Hne of Hurón st 841.80 " At the southwest lineof Miller ava.-8BO.00 " tlie elevtttion giren being above tlie olliflal city datum and aloiiK the center line of such v.:ilk, and tbe rude lines toconsistof straight llnesbetween tbe Bereral jioints or stations abovo stated. Adopted. PROM THE sa.mi:. Tu tin ninnutl COWhtiill Your Coiniulilee on Sidewalks wonlü report that Uiere being a necessity lor the gradtng and oonstrucuon of sidewalks where smted.your oommittee eaosed to be prepured and herewllh gubmlt the proper resolutíon orderlDK the same and rteommend that it be adopterf. KespectniIlF subniitted, C. H. Manly. I). V. AI.I-MEND1NGKK. C. W. Waqnbr, (J. J. Snybkk, H. J. BKOWM. sidewalk Committee. Accepted, and leave being gránted, tlie following resolution was ofifered : By Akl. Manly : Itesulvni, That the gradlng and conslriu:Llun o! the sldewalks herelinífter rneiilioueil, is deeined and declarod a necessary public lm proveen ent, therel'ore, It is hereby ordered tliat plnnk sidewalks be graded, bullí and oonirtruoted 011 and along tlie followlntf jroperty in the City Oí Arbor. vi.: Ün Ashley st , easl side from Jellerson st., exlending soutlierly to intersect with walk airead y bullt. Oa Maynard st., eat side betneen Liberty and Williani sts. Tliat ail such sidewalks be built, graded and construct.ed lu tile manner, witliin the time and of the material prescríbed by the provisión oí anordmtuico entitled, l'An Ordinance Relative to Sldewalks," and on the rade to be established. Ailopted. FROM TlflO SAME. To tlic Contnton Cowidl: Your cmamittee on sidevvalks to whom wh.s reférred the several petitions asking for cross ualks, tind there Ís a necessily Lor cross-walks and intersectlon-walke wherestated. Your committee cuused to be prepared and nerewith subrait the proper resolution ordering the sume and reeommend that it bc adopted, Ri'spectfully submitted, C. H. MaNLY. 1). F. Al.I.MKNOINOER. c. vv. Wagkeb, ' '. J. Snyikk, H. J. Brown, Sidewalk Committee. Ai-.cepU'd, iiiid leave beinggranteil the Eollowing resolution v;is offerëd : By Aid. MaiUy : Reguleert, That the followiutr appropi'iatiüiis be made from the Bridge, Cnluert and Cross v.alk Funds, and the Board of Public Works be directed to build the following cross. iilk ftud iutersections as follows: Twenty-five dollars for building plank cross-walk at the foot of Monroe St. the south side aoross Fackard St. Thirty-five dollars for building stone crosswalk alóng the north side of Catherine St. acroRs Flith Ave. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Alknendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Manly, Prettyman, Tres. Wines - 11. Nays - None. I KOM TI11-; l'il'.K CO.M.WITTUH. Chairman WágtVer of the Fire Coinmittee, made a verbal report stating that he had reeeived trom the Fire Coinmissioners three bids l'or repairing and remodeliugthe Ilook and Ladder Truck, oí the Fire Department, which he imderstands is íiecessary to be done at oneo. The bids were rrad and íound to be as folio ws : Wurster & Kirn, accordlng to epecIScations .foS.OÜ Ferguson (Jiirt & Carriagu ('o., aecordlug to spticilicaliiins 47.00 Walker & Co. accordlng to speclfleatlons. w.oo Aid. Wafjner moved that felle bid OÍ Walker A Co. lie acccplcd, and the Pire Commissioners directed to have the saine done acconling to spepificationB. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aldermen Wagnér, Bodmer, Martin, Allinendinger, Vnod, Snvder, Fergusou, Browu, .Manly, Prettymrtn, Pres. Wines - 11. Xone. i:i-:i'i)i!i'.s of city ori-'icisKs. CITY TltKASriiKU'S IlEl'OHT FOR T1IK MONTII KXDINIi NOV. 80, 1894. Tothe Coininon Couneil ot the City of Aun Ai-lwr: Balance on hand as per last report ■-.-- .8B,43fl 99 MONKY HF.CEIVED. Contingent Fund - v. .1. Uilier, lii-enso ï Pólice Kund- 8160 E. I!. Pond, (nes HAK) Street Fund- W ,1. Miller, stoue sold 8.00 DogTax Fund- W. .1. Miller, ia. col. 2SM0 Sewor Kund - Tav ooilected 752.S i T( tai tssrr.ñ i 887 s i ílll.U'ii', 8( HONBY DI8BTIRRBD. Cpntineent Fund 2,228.18 Street Kuml 1,210.80 Firemen'8 t'und 6A1.7S Pollt-e Kuntl 275.18 Poor Kund 208.02 Sewer Kund :!,(. ;.n Cemetery Fund - 18.10 Bridite. Culvert and Cross walk Kund m.81 Boldters' Relief Fund 60.80 ♦ K.444.7ÍI ,444 79 Total 181,822 71 KALANCB ON HAND. Contingent Fund 5,971 71 Street Fund 2,864 5 Firemen'sFund 5,394 2a Pólice Fund :l,0B531 PoorFund 12816 WaterFund 4,7734(1 Cemetery Fund 21488 Soldlerü' Keliei Fund. 1,033 S Dniverelty Hospita! Aid Houd Fuud 4.X3UO0 Delinquent Tax Fund 144 :m Sewer I'und i.tyi n Main Sewer Fond :i..iO iO Mridgc, Culven hih! Crosswnlk Fuml 56T875 DotrTnx Fund 8280-) Total $40,197 27 Amóunt nf uutatanclng orden Ut;i9 Total 40,0KS8 IS8 uncollec-teil cltj tax .230.17 Total Jöl.822 71 I31.8S8T1 Reepectfully submitted, GrBO. II. l'OND, Clts TreaRmer. Aiui Arbor. Doe. 1. 18M. Ann Arbor Savms B:ink. ) Anii Arbor, Mich., DéC.8, 1894. f Tu tlie Coinmoti Council of the City nf Ann Arbor: Bihb- Thla will oertlfy th;it Geo H. Pond bas on depoalt tobUorwlitusCltyTreasuri'r, thu suni of Thlrty-oneThoiisiind Eitrbt Hnndred. and 37-iw) Dollars, tfc)l ,860.87). Respectfully yours, OHAS. E. H1SC) K. Caslilsr. The iiKintbly reporta of the City Clerk, City Tri'UMirt'ï, Poor Superintendpnl and Cliief "f Pylice were reail and urdereil liled. Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the following expenditure during fhe month of November : lstward, $55. Ü5; 2nd wanl, ÍK). 91 ; 3rd wanl, $08,24; 4tli ward, 29.90; öth wurd, .$47.1!!; ütli wurd. l.".7i). Chièf of Pólice Banfield reported twenty-one arresta durinu the month of November on the following charges : druuk, 3; violatLng city ordinance, 15; and larceny, :!. Chief Hpley, of the Fire Department, reported that the pressure of water cm gauge :it Engine House has not been less than G") potmds ;it any time since Oct. lst "94, the date oí lus last report. motions and uiosou'tions. l'.y Aid. Wood: 1!' snlrt (, That the sum of two liundrcd aml twenty-two dollars bc truusferred froni tbc Dog Fund to the Poor Fund, tbc suid .-Lnionut beiug the amoiiut uolli'cted ly the City Clei'lc up to Nov. 30, 189J, for dog license. Adopted as l'ollows : Veas - AJds.Wagner, Btulmer, Martin, Allinendiiiiter, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson Brown, Manly, Prettyman, Pres. Wine.s - 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown : Rcmlwd, That the Mayor Uv and is autbotizi'd Miid i-:npo ered to appohu. for the UMin of onu year, a special policcinau for the Grond Opera House, in place of Joaeph Kirby, who w as appointed al the last meeting Xovtininr 19, 1894, sueh policemaa, however, to perform such service without eost to the city. aud also the city to be without liability for any ueglect of duty on his part. Adopted. By Aid. Pret ty man: Reaolved, That the Mayor is authoi'lzéü mul empowei'ed ti appoint. lor the term ui one year, a special polieenian lor the M. V. It. K. Depot, to perform nuoh sarviee without cost w the city. and also city to lie wiiliout iability for any ueglect of duty on his part. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the Board oi' Public Works, are hereby directed to fjnd on what terms the íunessaiv riht of way, l'or sewer in District Ño. :; can lic piorured, and repoi; to l!ii ftouncjl at it next mcetiiiL'. Adopteq. On motion the Comicil adjoiirneil. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News