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A largc assortment of robes and blankets at low prices, at Fred Theurer's, 12 VV. Liberty street. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FR RENT-A Buite of thiee pleasant, well lignted furuished rooms, for light housekeepimr: ooe block froni postoffice, Enquire this office. LADY' solicitor wanted; irood salary paid; permam'nt position. lirown Uros. Co., Chicago, 111. 10ULTRV wanted- markef price paid for iill kinds of I'oiiltry, at the corner of Kii'th and SunimitStreete. C. C. Weeks & ('o., Aun A rbor. FOR SALE - Fire acres oq West Hurón street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will sell 011 easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davie, West Hurón street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ttf FOR SALE OR KENT.- Large new house with all modern improvements, cistern a"d i'ity water iu house and well ueir door. Will take 11 part payment small house or lots nr small farm nearcity, balance 011 long time and low interest. P. C. Box 1345. FOR 8ALE.-30 acres on Chubb St, in acre or tive acre lots or all together. Lony time, small pa3'nient, 6 per cent, interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 MotTat Building, Detroit, Mloh. F'OK SALK- Farms in the townships oí Superior, Northfield, Pexter and Sha ion. Will sell nt low prices, and on easy tcrms of payment. For particulars, ioquire of II. SI. Woods, No. 8S S. Main street, Aun Arbor. HOUSK TO KENT-Eiglit rooms, 5 below andöabove, í?ood cellar, erial shed, cislern water in Icitchen. and a (rood well , all in perfect order.. Cali at 69 North Main st. :it PIANO TUNING.- A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J. Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders lef t at the Akous office will receive his attention. TO RENT.- A.t No. 30 S. State St. A flat of slx rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf VV ILL EXCHANOE a firsi-elass suhstanl ial, "' roomy, open, single buggy for hay, wood or cash. A. M. Clark 47 División si. WANTED- A MAN in every seotlon at once to sell süiple groods to dealers; no peddling; expericnce unneoessary; best side line. 475.00 i tnonth. Salary and expenses orlarge commission made. Address. with 2 cent stamp for sealed pari Iculars, Clifton Soapand Company, Cinclnnutl, Oluo. WANTKD.- iMaeeot tive or ten acres with house and barn, one or two miles fnim trom Ann Arbor city. Box :11O, Manchester, Mich. WANTED. - Uood tenant for very nice store on Liberiy st , near Staie. Terms reasonable. Also liats to rent, very desirable. Enquire 18 Soulb State st.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News