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Our New Navy

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At'entio.i is c dled to i ne rep irt of the secretarv of the navy. which show pery grtifying progresa i . ene coustruetlon of snip tor our irt'iv navy. All the vessals 'W building, ïn.ludiiiK tne three torpedo b.ia.s anthorized lv the last seasionol' cmiifi-ess an'l BXi-outinij the lirst clas9 battle-slii)! Il, will uröbably be c niplettd onrlngthecomingflscal y at. The estjmateslor the increa e .1 the navy lor ihe year end tag Jiiue ;j(). l.v.tti, are large, out thcy include pract eally tne e c tire simnn essaritocomp.ete and eqnip all th ■ ner ships hot now iu oominis ion, so tiiót lidLs n w ahtps are authorized, the appi'opriations f or tbe naval service forthefisca yeare diuejaiie 30, iWT, shonld rail belnw estima ts tor the coming year iy at least Í 2,(MXI,UJ0. The seoretary prasents witli m:ich earnestnes8 a plea for th anlhoïization of tJnee additional batile-íhipe and ten or twelve torpedo boats. Waile thi unaimored vessels heretofore uuthurized, lncluding thosenow nearing otnpletion, will eoitötitu.e a fleet wliu-h. it is beheved, is sufiiciém for orjinary crui sing purposesiu time f peac ■, we have now eonxpleted nuil i i prpcessöl cons: ruction bat foor flistclass liHttle-ship.-i and hut few torpedo boats. Jt we are to ha ie a navy f pr warhke operatioüs, iill'onsive and defeusive, we certainly ought to increiise both the number of bntëie-ships and torpedo boats. Kxpensive Plant Kequired. The manufacture of arinor requires expeusiveplant a ui ihe igKrenacion of m,my ski lied workmen. All tüe armur neóessary to compiete the vegsels now buikiin? wil! be dehvered before the Ist of .Urne uext. If no new coi'tract-s are giv out contrae tors most diiband their wor men and tlie r plants must lie ídle. Battleships autuorized at this time would not be well uuder way until late in the fisca1 year, aud at least ihree years and a half from the d.Ue of tne contract wo 'ld be reqnired for their cmpletion. The aeoi-etary states tlmt not more tnan lö per cent. of the cost of such shipa need be imtluded in the appropriaciona lor the coming year. I recommend tljat provisión be made for the consiruction ot additional battleships an.l torpedo boaís. The -secreiMry ïvcoinmends the manufacture not only of reserve snpplv of oitinance and ordnance material for snip of the navy but also a snpply for the auxiliary fieet. Guns and their appurtenatices shotild be proviued and kept on haüd lor both these purpose. We have not toda ■ a single gun that could be put upon the bhips Paris or New York, of the international Navjation company, or any otber ship of our reserve navy. Thj manufacture of gu.j 8 at the Washington navy yard is proceediug sHtisfactorily aai none of our new ships will be retjiiirtfd to wnit for their Kiins or ordnanee equipment. An importa'jt order has been issued by the secrelary of the navy co-ordinatin ; the duties of the 8everal bureaus concerned in the constructioa of strips. J his order, it is believed will secure to a reater extent than has heretofore been possible the barmonious action of these several bureius, and inake the attain ment of the e t results more certain. DuriiiK the past fiscal year there has been an uimiiK me pasi nscai yeur tnere lias been an unusual and prossiiiK (Iemand in many quartera of tin; wor d fo ■ the preseaee of vessels lo guard American interests. In January last, uuriug ihe Hrazil itisurrection a large fieet was coucetitrated in the harnor of Hio de Janeiro. 'Ihe vigurons action of Rear-Admiial Benham in ])rotticting me personal and commercial ngnta of bnr citizens during the disturbed conditions afforded reaults w-hich will, it is bclicved, ha.e a far-ieaching and wholeoome inflnence whenever in Jike circumstances it may beoome neceasary for our naval commanders to intf-ifere on teuall1 of onr people in foreipi pcirts. The war now in jü-ogress Cetween China and Japan has reudered it necessary or expedient to dispatch eiaht vessels to thoss waters. Buth the secrctary of the navv and the secret&ry of the treasury recommend the tiansfei' tf the work of the coast survey proper to the navy deua tmeut. 1 heartüy coucur ie tli is recomintii'iation.


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