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Crime Laid Bare

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Chicaoo, Dea 10. - Ths mystery surrounding the murder of Alfred Barnes, janitor of the Hiawatha flats, has been finally clearecl up, and Kdward Jordán, Msistant jauitor of th building, is the confessed murdercr. The pólice sucoeeded In getting from Annic Mahoncy, a waman with whom Barms had at one time been intímate, the admission that the crime was coramitted by Jordán. She repeatod tho confession in the pfesence of .Jordán and he acknowledged it correct. The story of the Mahoney woman was told in astolid, indifferent way, sh apparently feeltng not tho slightest compunction for her part in the awful tragedy, and she even at time laughed loudly during the recital. Her story vra that some time ago Jordán camo to hér and said that Barnes was urging him to glve poison to a poltoeman numnd Allen, agalnst whom Barnes had a grudge, mil hè was' af raid that Barnes would in juro him lf he did uot do as he wished. Annle Washed Up th Blood. The woman wariied Jordán to beware of Barnes, whom ahe declarcd to Ije a treacheWnM inmi. nul told him that If he dld not takecare of himself Barnes would put poison in hia food and klll hlin instead of the pol leeman. Wednesday night Jordán went co the woman and told her that hehad killed Barnes in aflght.andthat the body was lying iu the cellar of tho flat building. He asked her to come and help him clean up the place. She went, and found the body lylng on a heap of coal near the furuace. She and Jordán strippped tho body, and she took $0 in money and a watch found in the murdured man's clothes. She said she coii' sidorod herself entitled to this, as Barnes had cheated her out of $200. She washed up the blood stains aronnd the place a? well as she could, and then -went away, taking Barnes' elothes, in order to givs color to a story that he had gonn to Dakota. I Woman with Mnch "Xerve." Thursday she met Jordán and Jersey on Wie street and they told her they had put the body in a box, whioh was still in the cellar. She went with Jordán while he engaged an expressman to take the box away, and then to the flat and watched the men bring the body out of the basement. Sho lauglied heartily while telling thls o[ isodo, declarlng that "Jersey was frightoned all the timo and did not begin to have the nervo 1 had." She went with the men when they took the body away '.ml urged them to carry it to the Lakc Shore and pút stones in the box so that it would be sunk in the lake. They rein ed to do this and duniped it in the si reet whore the pólice found it. The Mahoney woman freely admittcd that she was glad Barnes was déad. As sbari as she had finished herconfession Jordán wa brought in and she repeiited the confession. Jordán Plea im Nr'.t Defense. Jordán admitted that lic killed Barnes and whèn asked with what lie lnul done it. replied calmly: "You have the tooi," meaning the ax in the possession of the pólice. He said: "Barnes and I had an argument over :i missing bolt in the furnace. He called me a liar and rushcd at me. I gi'abbcd tlii'axand knoekcd him down. Ho ncver moved orspoke after tho flrst lick. 1 had to hit him, for if I had not I would have been killed myself. " The balance of the story as tohl by Annie Mahoney was fully corroborated by Jordan. Jersey has also confossed his shan? in the crime. The roason Barnes had a griidse against Policoman Allen w;us that Allen had been forced to arrest Barnes owing to the latter's rolations witli women.


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