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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men!

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Emtsions, Varlcocele, Seminal Weakness, Self-Abuse. Syphills, Gleet, Strlcture, Unnatur! Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid In Urine. Impotency, Sexual and Mental Weakness. Kldnay and Bladder Diseases Posltively CURED OK NO PAY ! 1 6 YEARS IN DETROIT. 2OO.OOO CURED. Syphills Cured. "This terrible blood di. I ]ta Fath#P ikf Snn Younnor MiddleAged Man - ïoa hanleda eae vai in my system for eight year. Had L.IIV0 'dlllCl, I_IIG JUII. gaj life orinduled in the Tices of earlyyouth. taken mercary fer two years, bnt the disease I Ion feel the symptoms stealing over yon. Hel returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotches on abuie, or later ezcesses have broken down your the skin, ulcera in the mouth und on tongue, ' t Bystem. Aftntally, pliystcally and setually yon bone pains, falling ont of hair, weakiiess, etc. j. Hk ______ Vk are not the man you ueed to be or shoold be. My brother, who had been cured of (Jirel and Q ?J, Lnstfal practices reap rich harveet. Think Strieture br Dra. Kennedy and Kergan, recomJ' i W {■'?. of the futnre. WMI youheed thedanger Signalsl mendedthem. They cured me in a fewweeks yjtA ' ''Á Am you nervoua and weak; despondent and and 1 thank God 1 consuited them. No reQjP 'J W'rt'' gloomy; specka bef ore eyes; back wenk and turn of the disease in bíx ycars." f f ' 'é] k? kidneys irritable ;palpitation of neart;dreame W. P. M., Jackson, Mich. '? I Ifl - and loases at night; sediment in nrine; wrakA Minister Speaks. The Kev. W. E. Sporks, M ,,, IJ "T? ened manhood; pimples on face; eye snnken of Detroit, "Ikuowof nodiseaseeo inC 6 Vi'rïJ and cheeks hollow; poor memory; careworn juriou to the mind, body and Boni of young I , ■- t-A UA expression; Varicocele; tired in mormng; men as that of Solf AbuBe. I have sent many 'Jf . ZfV lifeless; distrastfnl; lack energy, streníítb victims of tlii lustfnl habit to Drs. Kennedy LJ' rf7K aiïd ambition. Our New Method Treatment & KerKan for treatment. I can hcartily enXS. ft lis il . ■■■- yTri will positively cnre you. lt vnll make a man llolfp tll(Jir jyru. Melh_,,d rnatmtn' whi-h cnred viJv V sJ_LLv rT7 a (& . V7r ot you and life wül open w"'"' whnUUefiIed." ' VAl&V&t ' íHíh ffla'yiM'SiflSl $2S ADoctorRecommendsIt, "I knowothing 1 W- =&Q fk Paidforanycasewendcannotcure! afcl-tforU! X _ - "FT Í?L) SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE i üSSfi hL'i „'Sí.edílshydci-ins I fcll I - -& V V' I A Warning From the Living. '.(■! cared in ;. fow weeks. I liave eepn this t I Ai- i "fi - " " JT'I Li Fn,ittlnt Citrd "At n 1 lparnpd a Iml Wltl1 m1 owu eyes and know it t(i be a fnct." TtTSl SS jrJl habit. Had losses for even years. Trie! f. E. ALL1SON. M. D. H yfT ■JJ I & 11 - four doctors and nerve tonics by tlie score, Have yuu been guilty? Has yonr R W 1 ñ 11 táw vfl witho'it benefit 1 becaiue a nervoue wreek. RUttxi beon d8eas"(í? Are yon weak? Po you g J'_="i jï Í Ljfryi A friend who hadbeenenred by Drs. Kennedy dei-ire Ui be a tou' Are jon cdntt'mpiatmc ï -" V fl jHl l A Kerijan of BBiniilar disea-e, advised meto inarriage? Uur Sao Melul Trealmrnl will R - v "" j i# I try them. ï did so, and in two months was poeitiTBty cnre yon. Cures Guaranteed or No i Jf V m -,- I positively cured. Thi wa9 ei(?ht years ago. Pay! Consultation Free! 3Lst2 Mf Pt I am now married and have two healthy No maiter wlu has trea(edyou. write for an k ' J J I S&t f ohildren." C. W. LEWIÖ, Saginaw. Mich. honent opiuion free of HiarKf-. t'harnes 9 í fñU fjfLA P Varicocele Cured. "Varicocele, thereeoltof ""J' Books Free "1 (i. Uien Monitor" k Jrr Jhí „arlyvíce. made life miserable. 1 was wak dllustrated). on i)ia oL Meii. Endoso I '-" and nervons, eyes sanken, bashfal in society, Postaee, - cent. eaiea. bifoee TiiATHENT. hair thin, dreams and losses at night, no am3F""No nemes used Hltftout writien concen!. I "Tea I have jast read the "Golden Monitor," bition. The "(iolden Monitor" opened my Private. Ho medicine sent C. 0. D. No ñames I edited'by Dre. Kennedy & Kergan, and knowing eyes. The New Method Treatment. of Drs. on boxes or enveiopes. Everything I their húth repntation I shall consult them a th Kennedy 4 Kergan cnred me in a fow weeks." tiai. Ouestion for home treatment and I lat reort."- Viclim. 1. L. PETEBSON, lorna, Mlch. cosf of treatmeni. Free. I DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 5HELBV STREET, DETROIT, MICH."


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