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Christmas Sale Of Dress Goods

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A Sale Magnificent in Bconomical Possibilities for You. i __ Possessing the exceptional and additional recommendations of affording you a chance of buyinq Fashionahle Dress Goods cheaner than were ever ottered before by any concern on earth. r MONDA Y, TUESDAY, WEDN'SDTT, THURSDAY,j RIDAyT SATURDAY DKOP DROP DROP DROP j DROP DROP Youv Washing. Your Ironing. Your Mending. Your Sweeping. j Your Calling. Your Baking. Drop Everythin # # # Come to the Old White Corner We intend to make it a most deciüed object to buy your Christmas presents now. In addition to the extraordinary prices quoted below, we w ïll cjive as aChristmas Present a Í %5ttr i $2-00 Par of Kid Gloves to every lady buying a Dress at ... $1.50 a yard. L &Y3fc - ltf 5%i í10 Pair of Kid Gloves to every lady buying a Dress at . . $1.00 to $1.50 per yard. lÍ0 'f$L W ÏÏW"4 1-O0 PaÍr f Kíd Gloves to ever7 lad7 Win9 a Dress at 75C to $i„oo a yard. .ÊMËl gj 3m 79C Pair f Kid Gloves to every lady buying a Dress at . . 50 to 75c a yard. Mk lÈ '_'■■' ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ 1 ■ ..-.,., - _ i ' ,v J T } . J ) flf y A SOLID PAGE OF DRESS GOODS UHi Fan cv Suitiiigs, 40 inches wide, 8 yards, for . . . 95c 0,000 yards Cottou Worsted, 36 inches wide Dress Goods, at 10c 50 pieces all-wool Flannel Dress Goods, ib all colors, at . 19c 5 pieces Natte Suitings, that are 5í)c values, for . . 22c 10 pieces all-wool Cheviots, for ..... 22c 1,000 yards all-wool 40 inch Heavy Serge, 50c valué, for . 29c 40 inches wide Scotch Plaids, 50c values, at 29c 10 pieces fine Heavy Tricots, in black and colors, at . . 29c 5 pieces Black Brocaded Chevrons, cut from 50c to . . 29c 500 yards Granite Suitings, all-wool, and very stylish, at . 29c 35 pieces all-wool Scotch Cheviots, many sold by us at 75c, cu ..... 29c 1,500 yards all-silk and wool Mixtures and Brocaded Fancies, at 29c 5,000 yards 40 inch, all-wool, Imported Sei-ge, in every new color worn, 50c everywhere, for . . . 33-c ' 1,000 yards all-wool Henriettas, 40 inches wide, all colors, for í3c 10 pieces Scotch Plaids, always 65c values, for . . 35c 3,000 yards 46 inches all-wool Imported Serge, never offcred for less than 75c, for ...... 39c 25 pieces 46 inches Henriettas, in all new colorings, are half P'ice, at 39e 40 inches all-wool Scotch Plaids, best styles, for . . 39c Onr Great 49c Colunia. IMPORTED UNMADE DRESSES,- NO TWO ALIKE. 5 üninade Dresses, Fancy Cheviots, Moire Finished Serge. Silk and Wool Mixture, Etc, valueB $1.25 to 13.50 a yard, at 4)c 10 patterns Iinported Dresses, 54 inches Scotch Cheviot, 42 inches Boude Cloth, regular $2.50 sellers, at .'.'. 49c 5 patterns Ombre Stripe Silk Embroidered Robes, regular $3.50 a yard sellers, at ...... 49e 10 patterns 54 inches French Brocaded Broadcloth, sold by us at $2.50 a yard, for . . . . . , 49e 30 patterns, seeded effects, Uluininated Fancies, Cheviots, Granitos, Etc., 75c valué, for ..... 49e 15 patterns Illuminated Basket Weaved Robes, regular price $1.50, for ' . ■ . . 49C. 10 patterns Granite Mixtures, very stylish and new, $1.25 value, at ......... 49e 3 patterns Diagonal Cheviots, fancy figure, $1.50 a yard sellers at ... ..... 49e 3 patterns Highland Plaid Dress Robes, regular selling price $1.20, for . . 4)e PLAIN DRESS GOODS. 10 pieces 54 inches Cheviots, plain and fancy mixtures, 85c value, at ',„ ■ ■ . . 49c 5 pieces Chevron Stripe. raised ettect, strictly $1.00 in value, for 49v 500 yards Fine Foreign Seeded Etfects, in new and desirable shades, all worth $1.00, for 49e 2,000 yards Fine Imported Imperial Serge, 46 inches wide, Germán weave, regular $1.00 goods, at . . . . 49c; 15 pieces fine all-wool Êmpress Cords, all colors, nothingmore desirable, at ........ 49e 12 pieces Finest French Brocaded Cloth, all colors and black, always $1.00, for 49e 10 pieces Momie Cloth, all the new shades of blue, very handsome, $1.00, won't duplícate ít, for . . . 49e STORM SERGES. # ALL CUT TO CLOSE. 3,000 yards Storm Serge, Navy and Cornflower, Blue and Black, the 75c price, for . . . . % 49 15 pieces 54 inches Storm Serge, all shades of blue and black, cut f rom $1.00 to . . . . . yo 1,500 yards 55 inches Storm Serge, the best quality ever shown at 1.50, for 93 VERY SPECIAL. Imported Dress Robes, Oriental designs, in Cheviots and Camel's Hair effects, former price, $3.50 a yard, for . 65c Imported Dress Robes, in Fancy Brocaded Camel's Hair Cheviot, former price, $3.00 a yard, for . ' . . . 65c 50 inch Diagonal Whip Cord, in all colors, former price, L1.50, for 75C All-wool Shepherd's Plaid, kind we sold for $1.00, for . 65c Very Fine Rich Silk and Wool, Hair, Stripe, nothing more dressy, former price, $1.75, for ..... 80c Steel Mixed Diagonal Serge Silk Embroidery, for . . 90c 10 patterns Imported Silk and Wool, fine check, $1.50 value, at 89c 5 patterns Imported Homespuns, have sold for $5 a yard, for 95c 54 inches Steel Mixed Serge, former price, $1.25, for . . 75c 300 yards Changeable Mixed Cheviot Serge, received this week, strict $1.00 value, for ....... 59c 200 yards Diagonal Stripe Brocaded Steel Mixtures, $1.25 valae, for 75C plack Press Goods No department of The Store has acquired greater popal arity than our Black Dress Goods. Owing to the fact that here as nowhere else can be fonnd the range of possibility in quality, variety and i price. This fall more than ever have exceptional bargains been i the rule. Now all those fine high class goods arethrown on the niarket to sell. Must be sold before the first day of Jaauary. All wool Flannel Dress Goods, (no shoddy), at . 19c 38 inch Cashmeres, straight standard goods, at . . i)t. 40 inch all wool Iniported Serge, never offered less than 49c, 31c i inch all wool Iniported Serge, equal to any 75c grade' for 25 pieces 48 inch all wool Serge, Germán weave, will match it with any f 1 value to be had, for . . . 5Oc $1.35 Soft Diagonal Serge, the finest and most fashionable : Germán weave, worth $1.35, today at . . 59,. 5 pieces Crystal Keps, former price $1.25, for ' . . joc $1.25 Camels hair Cheviot, French make, soft stylish fabric, 49c Black Dress Goods.- Continued. j 45 pieces black and white Dress Fabrics, in plaids, stripes and checks, $1.00 values, at . . . 5 pieces black wide wale Worsted Serge, cut from $1 to . 49c 1 46 inch wide Black Henriettas. 75c in valué, for . . . E 40 inch all wool imported Henriettas, lowest price 4í)c, for L31 Black Crystol Cords, fine all wool imported Fabric, for . 55,, Black Camels Hair Cloth, in the very best quality found. former price $1.35, for . . . . g2 pieces 6 inch Black Crape Cloth, cat froto $1, to . 4c , 1 piece Black Crepon, cut from Soc to . 49 . 50 inch Black Mohair, excellent $1 quality, for . ;qc Friestley Black Dress Goods Reliable in every particular up to daate in every wea ve.- Correct in shade and color,. Priestley's Dress Goods have acquired a reputation equaled by no other black dress fabrics. Every yard of this make bears Friestley's name and every yard sold is guaranteed to give satisfaction. These goods go with the rest at prices to close before New Year; this is the reason. We will seJl Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.25 quality, for . Sae Priestley's Silk War]) Henriettas, the $1.35 brand, for . $1.00 Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.50 quality, for . $1.13j Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.75 quality, for . $1.3 Priestley's Silk Warp Henriettae, the $2.uo grade, for . $1.50 Priestley's Mei rose Dress Goods, the $1.50 values, for . $1.20 Priestley's Crystol Kep Dress Goods, the $1.25 value, for . 80c Priestley's Novelty Dress Goods, the $1.35 value, for . 90c Priestley's Drap 'd Alma Dress Goods, $1.25 quality, for . HOe Black Storm Serge In Storm Serge we are overstocked more than in anything else in Dress Goods line, the reason for it being the great bargains st. could tliesenot resis goodoftered us in You now get the we ful] benen't of our purchase. 50 pieces 50 inch soft, ñne, thick Storm Serge, a guaranteed S5c valne at ... 4$(. 20 ])ieces Storm Serge, 54 inches wide, never lè&s than $1 in price, for ...... 75c 25 pieces 56 inch very finest quality Storm Serge made. strictly $1.50 in vahie, to sell at ... $1.00 15 pieces blackand blue Storm Serge, the 50c values, for . 85c 10 pieces 60 Cravenette Serge, very best quality, $2.25 value, f 1.65 10 pieces best Corduroy, in all shades, at . . 75c


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