Respect To Daniel L. Steinke
The following resolutions were passed in respeét to the memory of the late Daniel L. Steinke, by Forest Hill Cemetery association: "In the audden death of Daniel L. Steinke, for many years n faitbful and trusted employee of the Forest Hill Cemetery association, each member of the board of trustees feels a personal loss and they are assured that the many lot liolders also particípate in this feeling. Mr. Steinke was ever prompt in the discharge of every duty irnposed upon hira, always courteous to visitors to the cemetery in their hems of grief and trial, and will long be missed and monrned. "Iieing thus personally grieved, the sympathy of each member of the board and those they represent, is extended to the surviving widow and son and other relatives. May He who has permitted this sad affliction be their strong support in this bour of grief. Committfe.'
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Daniel L. Steinke