Crop Report No. 158
Michigan, Department ok State, ■ Lansing, December 8, 1894. ) Wheat has not made large growth this fall, yet it goes into the winter in very good condition. Corresponderás' estimates indícate that, compared with vitality and growth of average years, the average condition in the southern counties is 88 per cent., central 92, northern 96, and state 90. The figures for the southern and central counties and the state, are highef, and for the northern counties the same as on December 1, 1893. Correspondents this month have made a second estímate of the proDortion ot the wheat erop that is beng fed to stock, the first estímate rtaving been made in October. The average of present estimates is, for the state, 24 per cent., indicating that about one-fourth of the erop will be fed. The average for the southern counties is 25 per cent., thè central 21 per cent., and northern, 22 per cent. The total number of bushels of wheat reported marketed in Novem3er is 1,119,639. The number of Dushels reported marketed in the :our months, August-November, is 4,740,367, which is 1,618,004, uushels less than reported marketed in the same month last year. The average condition of live stock in the state is reported as folows, comparison being with stock in good, healthy and thrifty condition: Horses and sheep 94 per cent., cattle 95 per cent., and swine 97 ser cent. Secretary of State.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News