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Mercurial Poison

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Ir f U is tue resulto! the usual treatment ot i 9 blood disorders. The syatem is filled witti 9 Mercury and Potash remedies- more toj 9 be dreaded than the disease- and in aj 9 short wbile ís in a far worse condition 9] than beiore. The most, common result is f RHEUMATISM S for whicli S. S. S. is the mo9t reliable 3 oure, A few bottlea will afford relief w whtre all else has failed. I suflered f rom a oevere nttack of Mercurial 5 Rliöiiruattsru.ray arms and legsbelngswoJIen S t more than twlce thelr natural fllze, causlng I the in'KítexiTuciíitlnK P&lQS. 1 spenthundreda ot rtultars witbuut reiief, but oter tak- ; H hik few r.i.iiu'fl "f íspmb , i I iuiprored raildl vjuul J HH Hl I hui noff n we!l ni;in, jflVVBÍ 1 S completcly cnrort. I w J J JWl ' ' can heartlly i-.-nm. IBfc ., mmmMmi 1 il ni-nfl your wonderful medicine to anyone I H aftlictcd wltli thls painrul dlsease. j W. F. DA LEY, Brooklyn Elevated R. R. { S Our Treatiseon Blood and Skin Dfseaees inailed tv to nny addreas. SSWIFT SPKCIFIC CO., Atlanta, flt.


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