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Dexter Township

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Patrick Karnham, of Pinckney, was here Saturday. Mrs. Wra. Carpenter entertained her sister the latter part of the week. Eni. Howe, of Detroit, has been visiting her sister. B. Lavey and J. Harris, of Putnam, were here Wednesday. B. Hinchey passed here last week on his way to Ann Arbor. Mr. Isham, of South Putnam, was here last Wednesday. Warren Hoff, of Pinckney, spent the week with his many friends. The phonograph social at the M. _E. church Friday evening was a good one. Geo. Knoll and wife, of Ann Ar'öor. were guests of her sister TuesPy. Mrs. Trowbridge, of Ypsilanti, is Shere on a visit. Mrs. W. Boston has gone to her home at Nashville. Geo. Vmkle has purchased the , ReiHey property on Ann Arbor strcet. Pro. De Witt attended the Scliooltnasters' club at Y'psilanti, Friday and Saturdav. Mrs. John Schief rbtein and sons were at the coun.ty seat on business j Tuesday. The senior class elected the fol lowing officers for t!ie coming yeai : President, Miss Minnie Reider; treasurer, Miss Mary Benton; historian, George Keal; secretary, Miss Minnie Hawkins. Miss Lola Pierce, who has licn visiting her únele and family, has returned to her home in Lansing. Burt Hooker, of Pettysvjlle, called on his intímate friend on Sunday last. E. Ferris had the pleasure of entertaining his daughter from the village on Saturday. Mr, Marble, of Marble Corners, j was here on business Monday. Mrs. Ben Allen and daughter, of Pinckney, visited friends in this place one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Darkins, of Putnatn, made us a cali on Tuesday. L. Vanfleet was visiting friends at Hudson the first ot the week. Mrs. Jay Shehan, of Hamburg Junction, visited her brother and A. Taylor and family last Friday and returned to her home on Saturday last. The Birkett Sunday school will hold a meeting at the home of Miss Anna Gregory tomorrow evening to practice pieces for Christnias eve. The first dance of the season will be held at the Hudson opera house, on Friday evening, Dec. 14. An enjoyable time is expected by all. Music by the Whitmore Lake band. H. Thompson, of Iowa City, lowa is visiting his many friends here. Mrs. S. E. Tuttle who has been visiting in this place has returned to her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. Parker are visiting Mrs. Parker's sister in Corruna. Will Darrow and chum, of Pinckney, made his sister a pleasant cali last Wednesday. Mrs. De Witt and lady friend, of the ü. of M. spent Wednesday in this place. Mr. Wm. Townsend, of White Oak made us a cali on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Deckert entertained their daughter from the university city, Mrs Monks and lady friend, of North Lake, called on some of their friends on Sunday. Wm. Ballou and wife entertained friends last Sabbath. Miss Sarah Ledwedge spent Saturday and Sunday in the village. Will Monks, of Pinckney, spent the Sabbath here. Burt More and wife, of Whitmore Lake, attended Sunday school at Birkett last Sunday. Frank Buchannan left Thursday for a business trip to Grand Rapids. C. W. Smith, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of John Pratt. Mr. Miller, of Saline, is here visiting friends for a few days. F. Rentchler, of Ann Arbor, was here one day last week. Miss Anna Bross, of the university city, was home last week. Miss Zoe Brakett, of Rochester, Ind., is visiting here. N. Kieth visited his daughter in Ann Arbor last week. Anna Dolan, of Ann Arbor, spent last week with her cousins in this place. Mrs. John McCabe and daughter Katie visited relatives in Northfield first of the week. Miss Eva Hill is entertaining her friend from the village. Mrs. George Flintoft and son Stephen, of Hamburg, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Ida Harris is spending the week with friends in Livingston County. Dr. Morris, of Tackson, is spending the week here. Mrs. George Sackett is recovering from her illness. É. Doane and family spent last Thursday in Chelsea. Geshand Josenhans, of Ann Arbor, was here on business last week. Miss F. E. Thompson has returned from her visit in the east. Messrs. A. Miles and M. Alley have returned home after several months stay in Pennsylvania. E. l.awton, of Vpsilanti, was here last week looking up old friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Copeland had the pleasure of entertaining their daughter from the State Normal school last week. Fred Dodshurr, of Kalamazoo, is visiting friends here. F. Mowers spent Sunday and Monday in the village with his friend. George French is visiting friends in Livingston County. Messrs. P. Sloan and P. McCabe were at the county seat on Tuesday. Mr. Hammond, of Bay City, is here looking after his business interest. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drew gave a supper to a number of their relatives and triends last Saturday evening. An enjoyable time was had by all. Mrs. Wm. Sweetman, of tliis place, and Mrs. Monks, of Pinckney, were called to Ohio to attend the funeral of their sister last week. The Maccabees of this place gave an entertainment and supper to the Chelsea lodge last Wednesday eveniiig and a goócl tune was had by all. James Gregory called on his best girl in Pettysville Tuesday. Mr. Dolan and lady friem! ut Pinckney, called on relatives ere Sunday. Lewis Chainbirlain made a ftying trip to Cheisea Monday. Miss Mate Colt mertained her cousin over Sunday. Carpenter Bros. are having the interior of t leir house repainted and papered. Steve Crane is doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Cook entertained friends from abroad last Sunday. Hugh McCabe lias returned from his visit with Ypsilaiiti relatives. Paul Brogan, oí Marioa, bpent la'st week with his cousins here. Mr. and Mrs. R. írwin had the pleasure of entertaining her brother for a few days. Nick Reid was in Hamburg on business one day last week. Mrs. Leverett and daughter J'ertha, of Fectysville, visited her sister last week. Mrs. L. Aldrich, of Losco, is spending the week with her father in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Louberg, of Ohio, will spend the winter in this place.


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