C. M. Starks was quite i!l last week with an attack of pleurisy, but has recovered so as to be uut again. School has commenced again, after being closed a week on account of the sickness of the teacher, Vernon Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, of Ann Arbor town, visited their daughter, Mrs. George Reade, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. McUmphra, of Plymouth, spent last Friday with Mrs. R. Lowe. Miss McGinnis. who has been spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Patrick Kearney, has returned home. S. O. Hadley, of Dexter, spent a day last week with his daughter, Mrs. Byron Kenny. H. Wilson and wife visited friends at VV'hitmore Lake, Thursday. Mrs. Amos Corey, of Ann Arbor, is visiting friends in Webster and Hamburg tor a time. Belva Toll has gone to Jackson to spend the holidays with friends. Emory Leiand, of Northfield, spent Saturday with A. J. Sawyer and wife. Robert Scadin has gone to j ida to spend the winter. Mr. John Coyle has entertained j friends from Toledo the past week. K. H. Wheeler spent Sunday with R. M. Snyder. Misses Mary and Hattie Starks have returned from a few days' visit in Ann Arbor. There will be a graphophone concert at the Webster M. E. church on the evening of December igtí. General admission, 15c; children, ioc. Those who have never heard that kind of a concert can come and improve the opportunity; and those who have, may come and listen to some new selections. (County newscontinued on Ttli page.)
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News