The Better Way
S!i:.'il we fói'jl the tiny i"nneirt ri .1 ' our cltirïiDg usí t w ar, L-v: thu half won dresdis, I u Lliein all awáy with carct Crooding o?er tlirm long and uft-n, Bi üigig bádl our grirf aud paiu. Holding to our lrirts our BorruW, Living o'ur our loss againV Sliall wo do tliia whil abour. us By tho hündred.i everywiere, SufFeriug tor tho help withholdon, Tingre ftre childron swot't and fair? ChiMren npodlng just the garments, Dresses, skirts and half worn shoes- Giirrai-nl that our grUst has hoardod, Garments our liearts dreiid to lose? Givc tiicjn v.'hat uur oiiiïl nccdou, But no longor needa, wo know. 6h;: is clothod in lovely gai-nicnts, Wlutu and pure as drif tcd suow. Helpir.g Hghten pthers' bnrdena, ft,; of uso íiro to the race, And we secm to seo u jï:;u1 smilo On our darlinj;'.-! happy face.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News