A stironlent is often needed to nourish and stienprtlif n the roots and keejí the hair a natural color. Fialfs Haii Kenever s the bes.1 tonic for the hair. JSIectrw Jíithr.s. 'Iliis remody is becominjj so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have usud Electric Bitters sing the same song ol praise. - A pureí' medicine does not exit and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bittjers will cure all díseaseí of the Liver and Kidnpys, will remove pimples, boils, sault rheum and other affiectioas caused by impur blood. - TViH drive Jlalaria from tbio ystein and prevent aa well as cure all Malai-ial fovers. - For cure of Head ache, ('onstipalion and Indigestión try Electric Bitters - Entire satisfaction tfimranteed or money ri'funded. Prico ."Octs. ;md $1.00 per bottla at the Eberliní.'li & ('hemienl Co., xVnn Albor, and Gen. .1. Ilaussler's drnggfore Maiicliastev
Ann Arbor Argus
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