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f"?XaCï?b?uehtiDrJthri?e theireight" in gold." Whatwe offer for Gbïietmas, our entire stock goetxon from Published Prices. Below we list only a few of our many STANDARD SETS. gbakespeare's complete works, 4 vols., 2 (X i'iescott's Conquest of Peru, 2 vols -: Prescotfs Ferdinau and Isabella, 'S vols .....' 9 Mysteries Of Paris, 2 vols '.'..]. IC Dumas' Works, fine edition. vols 6 K: Emerson's Essays. 2 vols ík) Gibbon's Roman Empire, 3 vols 'ao Josephus' Works. 3 vols I ge Carlyle's Essays, 4 vols . M) Wandeling Jew. 2 vols )() Plutarch's Lives, 3 vols . j)() Marie Corellrs Works, 6 vols 4 yo Cooper s Leatber Stockhig' Tales, 5 vols 2 15 Oooper's Sea Tales, 5 vols ..".,'..'.'.'..'.... 2 16 Jane Austin's Works, 6 vols 4 Kj Schiller's Works, 4 vols '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 2 l0 McCarthy's History of Our Uwii Times, 2 vols 2 50 Hawliuson's Seven Great Monarchies. 3 vols ](j Fielding's Tom Jones, 2 vols " 90 Ëdmund Burke's Complete Works, 12 vols 9 7.5 Parkman's Complete Works, 12 vols l' 00 Ilawthorne's Complete Works, 8 vols s 10 George Eliot's Complete Works, 6 vols l 44 Diekens' Complete Works, 15 vols 3 o Thackeray's Comglete Works, 9 vols 40 Seott's Complete Works, 11 vols o 75 Bulwer Lytton's Complete, 12 vols. 4 68 Irving's Complete, 6 vols _. 2 00 Macaulaj's England, 5 vols '. 1 35 Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols 9.3 Grote's History of Greece, 4 vols 2 75 Ruskin's Works, 12 vols., half morrocco 12 00 Geikie's Honrs With the Bible, 3 vols ...'.!.. 2 35 Memoires of Napoleon Bonaparte, 4 vols 4 ig Goethe's Works, S vols. , morueco ó .50 Ramband's History of Russia, 3 vols 3 4.5 Carlyle's Frederick the Great, 4 vols 2 95 Ruskin's Modern Painters, 5 vols 3 50 I 8$ TITLÊS In Mtantiy Volbqie Classics, for 25 Ceiyts Each. All the books in this series are complete and unabridged and are printed from large clear type, bound in cloth and stamped in silver. 25 Cents Each. 25 Cents EacJi. 25 Cents Eacli. PIVE FOR ONE DOLLAR. 1. A Book of Golden Deeds. C. M. Yongu. q 2. Black Beautv. AnnaSewall. 3. Browning's Poems. Hobert. 4. Carlyle's History of the Freocb Hevolution, Vol. I. 5. " " ' " Vol. 2. f. C-hilde Harold's Pilgrimage. Lord Uyron. 7. Cranford. Mrs. Gaskell. k 8. Crown of Wild Olives. John Kuskin. 9. Diekens' Story Teller. 10. Diekens' Shorter Stories. 11. Dreams. Oliver Schreiner. 12. DreamLife. Ik. Marvel. (D. G. Mitchell.) 13. Drummond's Address. 14. Emerson's Essays, lst Series. 15. Emerson's Essays, 2d Series. 16. Essays of Elia. Lanib. 17. Ethics of Dust. John Ruskin. 18. Evangeline. Henry W. Longfellow. 19. Favorite Poems. 20. Frankenstein. Mrs. Shelley. 21. Half Hours with Great Authors. 22. Half Hours with Great Novelists. 23. Half Hours with Great Story Tellers. 24. Half Hours wilh Great Humorists. 25. Héroes and Hero Worship. Thomas Carlyle. 26. House of Seven Gables. Nathaniel Ilawthorne 27. Idyl of the King. Lord Tennyson. 28. Imitation of Christ. Thomas a Kempis. 29. In Memoriam. Lord Tennyson. 30. John Halifax, Vol. 1. MissMulock. 31. " " Vol. 2. 32. Lalla Rookh. Thomas Mooie. 33. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers. W. E. Aytoun. 34. Lays of Aneient Rome. Lord Macaulay. 35. Light of Asia. Sir Edwin Arnold. 36. Longfellow's Earlier Poems. 37. Lorna Doone, Vol. 1 . R. D. Blackmore. 38. " " Vol. 2. ' 39. Love Letters of a Worldly Woman. Mrs. W. K. Clifford 40. Lowell's Earlier Poems. 41. Lucile. uwen Meredith. 42. Mili on the Floss, Vol. 1. George Eliot. 43. " " " Vol. 2. 44. Mornings in Florence. John Ruskin. 45. Mosses From an old Manse. Nathaniel Ilawthorne. 46. Past and Present, Thomas Carlyle. 47. Paul and Virginia. Bernardin de St. Pierre. 48. Poe's Poems. 49. tueen of the Air. John Ruskin. 50. Rab and Hls Friends. Dr. John Brown. 51. Rasselas. Dr. Samuel Johnson. 52. Revenes of a Bachelor. Ik. Marvel. (D. G. Mitchell.) 53. Sartor Resartus. Thomas Carlyle. 54. Sesame and Lilies. John Ruskin. 55. Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 56. Ships that Pass in the Night. Beatriee Harraden. 57. Sketch Book. Washington living. 58. Story of an Af ïican Farm. Olive Schreiner. 50. Tales from Shakespeare. Charles and Mary Lamb. 60. Teachings of Epitetus. 61. Tennyson's Complete l'oems, Vol. 1. 62. " " ' Vol. 2. tó. Tillyloss Scandal. J. M. Barde. 64. The Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. 65. The Coming Race. Lord Lytton. 66. The last Essays of Elia. Lamb. 7. The Lady of the Lak e. Sir W alter Scott. 68. The Pleasures of Life. Sir John Lubbock. 69. Through the Gates of Gold. 70. Twice Told Tales. Nathaniel Ilawthorne. 71. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe. 72. Vanity Fair, Vol. 1. Thackeray. 73. " " Vol. 2. 74. Vicar of Wakefield. Olive Goldsmith. 7ö. Wide Wide World, Vol. 1. Elizabeth Wetherell. 76. " " " Vol. 2. 77. Whittier's Earlier Poems. 78. The Princess Maud. Lord Teuny sou. 7'J. Idéala. Sarah Grand. 80. The House of the "Wolf. Stanley J. Weyman. HALP-LEATHER EDITION. Consisting of twenty-eight volumes selected from the mostnoted works of English Literature. Beautifully printed on line paper, handsomely illustrated, and bound in half leather, gilt top, with photogravure frontispiecs and titlepage- ribbon marker. Pricë, per volume, 50c. In ftne half-calf, $1. 1 Eptctetus. 14 Essays of EJia, by Charlea Lamb. I - Cranford, iy Mrs. Gakll. ■' Lueile, by D'wen 'vleiedith. 3 Vicarof WajtefleJd, by (oldsniith. ! M LhIIh Itookh, by Thomas Moore. 4 Tnles f rom Shakespeare, uyClèrlfM 17 MHSttjrpieces from Dickens. L;ml. is Masteruieces trom Kingsley. 5 Revertes of a Bachelor, by ik. ! Ifl Masterpieoes fmui Eliot. Marvel. 2u Nlasterpieces trom Tlmckeray. 6 Dxeam Lifp, hy Ik. Marvel. 21 In Memoriam. Alfred Teimyson. i SesameandLilieB, liy John Ruskin, j'22 Lady of the Lake, by sir VValter 8 Sketch Book, by Washington I ; - , Scott. '"tí[ 23 Princesa, by Al f red Tennyson. Searlet Letter, by Natli'l llaw 'JA Kliert Doúning- Selections. tJi'Tite. 2ö Bi 1 giou.s Poems. - Selected. U l'ndine and Sintrum, l.y De la 26 ldyls of the Kiug, hy All'red TenMotte) Fouqu'e. nyson. 11 Bacon 's Essays. . 27 rSartor Kesartus, by Thomas Car12 Knierson's Essays. I lyle. 18 IíovhI Commandmetits, by Francés s Daily Help, by Spurgeon. Ridley Havergal. ' Ï5c PER VOLUMËT Tic SALEM EDITIONS - 01' well-known Books, with othér Editions in similar st.vle. Bound in Red and White. SALEM EDITIONS. Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter. 18mo. üawthorne's House of the Seven Gables. ]Smo. flawthorne's Twice-Told Tale. 18nm. Hinvthorne' Mosses trom an Old Matise. I8é6o. Ilawthorne's Snow-lniage. iSino. ' Hawthorne's Wonder-Book. lHino. PORTLAND EDITIONS. Loiiglellow's Hyperion. JSmo. Longfellow'a Outre-Mer. 16mo. Another Öplendid Offer. 2óO Copies oí Liongfellows Kvangeline. ____♦__ Uound in Beautifu] Blue and Silver Stamped, with 4ö Illustrations. Price Only 25 Cents. Each. 25jCents Each. i Fine JiJutrated Hoiiday gook. Their Jouruey. By W. i). Howells. HoJidáy ïkfi'tion. Hlustrated. Crown 8vo - m The Last Leal". By ülive.r Wendell Hohue.s. Ulnstrated. ('rowii 8vo, 120 The Uubaiyat oi' Omar K hay yani. the Astronouier Poet of Persi! Renderèd into English Vera by Edward Fitzgerald. Olustrated by Elihu Vedder. New Hohday Kdition. Crown 8vi 400 The Story oí' a Bad Boy. By Thomas Bailey Aldnch. Üoiiday Êdition. Hlustrated. 8vo ' j (q Timothy's Quest. By Kate Douglas Wiggin. Hoüday Èdition. Hlustrated. Crowu 8v( 20 In Sunshiue LáiK'. By Kdith M. Thomas. Hlustrated. Örowii 8vo 120 When Molly was Six. A Book for ( hildren. J5y Eliza urne White. With colored cover design and other illiistrations. Square 8vo 8 00 ' Little Mr. Thiinblefingrer and his Queer Country. ByJoelChan dier Ilarris. Square 8vo yy Holiday 8vo. Klitions. Includiug Childo Ilarold, Geraldine, Lucile Marmion, The Lady of' the Lake, The Lay of the Last Minstrol, and The Pnncess With many ilhistrations. Artlstically boun.l. Eacl. 8 00 Holiday 1 61110. Edil ion. Im-ludin Childe Ilarold, Lucile, Marmiou The Lady of the Lake. The Lay of the Last Minstrel, The Pnncess, and Enoch Arden. Hlustrated. Price of each 1 00 ■ The Favorito Series. Including Mr. Aldrich's Marjorie ïaw and Other Stories, Mr. Ilarte's Luck of Koaring Camp, Mr. Warner's Backiog Stories; and Miss Jewitt'a Tales of New England. Each with etclied title-page and portrait lrontisniece. Botuid in Holiday style. Each ' -[ 00 ( THElLHAMBRA, ! By Wasjünctux 1i:vi.(;. Beautifully illustrated with 16 titu half-tone plates $ 1 48 The Conquest of Granada. By Washington Irviiig 4s Hypatia. Jiy Charles Kingsley. 300 Hlnsvraiioii.s.' Tvvo vols Silk binding ,5 (i0 Ben Hur. By Lew WaUuee. 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Farm Bailada ".'.'.[ 1 48 - Farm Festivals 1 4 City Ballads . . . ; 1 48 Legenda ' . 1 49 City Festivals , ] 4 Every Rnv (M 1 stroke UUJ j of the the only Ideal Crlï+" Pen öplll pleasureheeCl a vast _ , saving Fountain of time ' and Pen- ! effort. 2 grains Waterman's I (only) of ( common dea }M . needed 1 to keep it A mere "split" has made I in perfect Pens Pssible and reliable for a. I Order. thousand years. KI 1 lul ; FOR 5ALE BY 1 GEORCE WAkR. j iMipceJJaneouc Litcrature, A1' r,IAL Trilliy. Du Mánrier, just pnblistaed s i a .1;ncell;i. Airs . Ward. 2 vols '(l, Katheriue Lauderdale, bv Crawford, 2 vols i in Tom Sawyw ' 2" Eïuckleberry Pinti -? 8amantha ar tiie World's Fair. . ó'r' Prlnce of India 7 -1 Ben Uur l 'Z Pair Qod '.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.' , .,, Paradise Lost '. ;IS Purgatory and t arad se 'is (Usro'i'1 lïntil stok of MisceBaneous Booka al 2o t 3O percent, We offer afine collectiou of Books, eomprising 250 titles of Standard Works, ■""■ing Fiction, Essays, Poetry, History, Travel, etc, selected Irom the vunid s best literature, written by authors of woi ld-wide reputation Printed trom large type, on good paper, and bound in bandeóme cloth binding. Price, oc pci copy. GOOp POOKS f f or POYS. 5OCTS.EACH. Adrift in the Wilds. by Edward 8. ElJoo'.s Lnek, by Hoi atio Alger, Jr. „ % r,„ . , „ Julián ilcrlimer. by Harry Ciwtleinuii. Boy C -ruisers, The; by M. George RathLost in Uw CüH ti iiv Alnvd H h1borne. iltnm Budd IBoyd's Triumph, by William 1'. Ruy üilbeit's Semcli, by Willi.uu L' , Chipman. Cbiman. (aptain Kldd's Gold, by James FrankRunaway üiig, A, by James Otis lm i-itts. Search for the Silver City, by James Captured by Apes, by Harry Prentice. Otis. Captured by Ziilus, by Harry Prentice. Slate-Picker. The: by Harfy Prentice Castaways, 1 he; by James Otis. Tom Temple'a Career, by Horatio AlDan, the Aevvsboy, by Iloratio Alger, ger, Jr. „ ''r-, „ _, , Tom ThHtcber'8 Fortune, by Horatio Errand Boy, The; by Iloratio Alger, Jr. . !;;, , . .Ir. Frank Fowler, the Cash Boy. by HoTom, th Bootblack, by Iloratio VIratio Alger, Jr. ger.Jr. Guy llams, the Runaway, by Qarrj Torn. the Ready; ly Randolph Ilill Caslemon. Tony, the Uéro; by Horatio Alirer, Jr Island Treasöre, ïüe; by Frank II. Train Boy. The: by Horatio Alger Jr Converse Treajgnce Fiudere, The; by James Otis. JauDtThrougn Java, by Edward S. rónujr ijio, A: by Edward S. Eilis. hllis. GOOD BOOK8 GIRLS 50 Cents Each. 50 Cents. Aliee in Wonderland. (Complete). By lleir of Redclylle. l!y Charlotte -I Iewis Carroll. Yonke. 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