The Argus For The New Year
The Ann Arbor Argus is tbreescore and one years of age, and it will enter upon the new year prepared to give its readers all the benefits of a long experience in the field of a live, reliable, newsy local family paper. During the year to come it will not only maintain its position at the front among newspapers of its class, but will strive to be better than ever before. Notwithstanding the eclipse of democracy on the ides of last November, the Argus will continue democratie as of yore. All issues discussed in its columns shall have honest treatment, however, and matters of news will be impartially given. While it already has the largest circulation of any Washtenaw paper, it will try to deserve a more extended patronage by being conducted in such a manner as to make itself a necessity in every household. At the beginning of the present year it was changed to two papers a week instead of one - one hundred and four papers a - but the price remained the same, one dollar, thus giving its readers more matter for the moriey than any other local paper. For the coming year a clubbing arrangement has been made with several other valuable periodicals whereby the cost to paid subscribers may be still farther reduced. The Argus will be furnished with the Semi-Weekly Free Press orthe SemiWeekly World, Michigan Farmer, American Gardening, each of which costs a dollar, for $1.65. The Argus will also be furnished with any two of the above for $2.30, with a year's subscription to the Farmer's Friend thrown in. The Argus will also be furnished together with the American Farmer, the oldest agricultural journal in America, for #1.10. All the papers mentioned above are strictly first class in their respective lines. American Gardening is an illustrated journal of horticulture, devoted to the work of the garden, fruits, flovvers and vegetables, trees and shrubs, the conservatory and the care of the home grounds. Any other leading home or foreign jqurnals will also be furnished Argus subscribers at the lowest rates. You cannot get better rates anywhere than those the Argus will give yon. Cali and see.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News