Miss Emma Bower left, Tuesday, for Bay City. Mrs. Sid W. Millard has returned from Chicago. Aid. "Wright. of Detroit, was in the city, Tuesday. Prof. Pease, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Wednesday. Miss Gussie Pond, who has been some time ill, is very low. Miss Julia Crawford, of HoweU, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wessinger. Frank Sessions, a banker of Columbus, O., is visiting his father, J. Q. A. Sessions, of this city. Lieut. H. G. Learnard, of Fort Brady, was the guest of his brother, George Learnard, Tuesday. The girls of the M. C. A. will hold a sale of Christmas gifts, next Saturday at from 2:30 to 8 p. m., at the Presbyterian church. Burt E. Holmes, of Bewabic, Minn., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A H. Holmes. Mr. Holmes is e mining engineer. Prof. W. P. Brown, director of the Normal gymnasium, was in the city, Wednesday. Many of his class are already as formidable as Frank Keiler. Carrol Jones, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Jones, who recently carne from Cincinnati, ill from the effects of sewer gas, has suffered a relapse, and his condition is not favorable. Fire from a gas jet, last week, started a fire in the closet of the Hillsdale court house, i. e., the clumsy, festering, disease breeding rookery miscalled the court house. Some miscreant discovered the fire and extinguished it, for which Judge Lane will not do his duty if he does not sentence him to five years' hard labor in the penitentiary.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News