Educational Column
District X. ó. An Arboh Ïow . - Thi.s school is in charge of Miss i nie McArtbur, oí Aun Arbpr. She is giving the scholars good instructioii. Eurollment, 14. Tlie attendance is regular, and the pupils are understanding the work as they progress. The class in aiithmetic bas completed ' Kobinson's highftr book. and are solving t st problema issigned. hy the teache". The school lias a dictionary. Map diawing and language work are special features of the scliool work. Mr. J. Frésbee is director. District Ho. ö. Lopi -Mr. Wal ter N. Isbell is teaching lits second year in this school. He has done and is doing good work in the school room. Kindergarten is a prominent feature of the school work. The sniall .scholars have inade good progresa, and seem to be interested in fciteir books. The room is made attmctive and pleasant by many picturea and other deeorations on the wal Is. Enrollment, 81. Mr. G. Scherdt is director. Foster's District, Ann Aebob TmvN. - This school is in charge of Miss Rose E. Bui'ke, who mauifests a progressive and enthusiastic spirit in the school room. Enrollment, 1!). The school is provided with a new map, and au oigan. It has a beautiful Hag. obtained at the county fair. Duane Forn is director. District No. 7, Pittsfield. - This school is pleasantly located, and attraetive. Enrollment, 15. The scholars are progressive and enthusiastic in their studies. Miss Anna Rowe is teaching her lirst term here. The schóófis supplied with a good dictionary and a classification register. Mr. Frank Tichnor is director. Knight Distkict, Scio. - Miss Ella Hlauche Mills is instructing the children, this term being her h'rst experience in teaching. She lias the school divided into fïve grades, and is doing all tb at can be done i'or each grade. The scholais are iniproving greatly in language work and penmanship. Mr. William Aprilt is director. District No. 5, Pittskield. - Lou. M. Valentine, teacher. The school i3 ([uite well supplied with apparatus. It has four grades, with 17 scholars. The advanced grade was doing work in percentage, and expects to complete Hth grade work this year. A beautiful (lag is a recent acquisition, the same being donated by the county fair association. Mr. Chas. Morgan is director. District No. 3, Pittsfihld. - This school has au enrollment of 23, with Miss Katliorine Diehl, of Ann Arbor, as teacher. The arithmetic class is revievving the subject of t'ractions. The teacher has inaugurated a prize system for regular attendance, good conduct, and excellence in recitations. It has proved a good incentive, and better results are being obtained this term than preyiously. Mr. Thomas Smithwaite is director. District Ho. 2, Ypsilanti Town. - Miss Rena Worthley, of Ypsilauti. is teacher. This is lier second year in this district. The school is provided with the necessary equipmtnts in the way of apparatus. The appearance of the room is cheery and attractive. Tiiere are tkree in the Sth grade, wlio expect to complete the work and receive the common school diploma. Mr. R. O. Parsons is director.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News