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FREE HOME TKEATMENT. Catarrh Cures by Thousands by Dr. Hartman. The symptoms of clironic catarrh vary according to the stage and exact location of the disease. The first stage of catarrh of the nose and head produces discharge from the nose, sneezing, pain in the eyes and forehead, weak, and sometimes watery éyes, occasionally loss of memory. In the last stage the discharge ceases, and dry, offensive scabs form in the nose; polypi growths sometimes forni in one or both nostrils, and the pain in the head and eyes is much less. Unless something is done to prevent, the catarrh wil] follow the mucous membrane into the lungs, where it will be followed by cough, night sweats, rapid loss of ilesh, and the other dread symptoms of consumption. To all such people Dr. Hartman's treatment comes as a great boon. It is only necessary to send name and address to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and complete directions for first month's treatment will be sent free. Not only is it more successful in curing catarrh than the treatment of catarrh specialists, but it is in the reach of every person in this land. A medicine which is the principie part of Dr. Hartman's treatment, known as Pe-ru-na, can be bought at any drug store, and is a remedy without equal for catarrh in all forms, coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption and all climatic diseases of winter. Kach bottle is accompanied with complete directions for use. Address, The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, for a copy of their latest catarrh book. Sent free to any address.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News