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How About The 25th?

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Yon are undoubtedly thinking about Christmas and wonderinst what gifts you can select that wíl] be pleasing and appropriate remembrances to youi man y friends. 1 have been thinking of Christmas for months past, and have been selectint; tlie choice thiugs f rom hundreds of factories, whose designers have vied with each other iu producing a multitude of things that are used in the fmnishing and adornment of the home. A tour tbrough my three tloors, whicli are now lilled to overHowing, will reveal so many things that will be suitable and appropriatye that the matter of selection becomes a pleasure instead of' a task. There is always a satisfaction ín deciding upon a gift that yöu are contident will give pleasure to the recipiënt for its artistie and useful qualities, as well as tor the expressittn of thoughtfulness and good will of the giver. What can be more aeceptable as a loken of friendship than something which adds comfort and beauty to the home? It is my constant aim and study to gather together the choicest line of goods frora the leading markets, and know there is not another stock like my own between Detroit and Chicago. It embraces low priced goóds, mediuii: priced goods and expensive goods. You can spend an hour or two without a dull moment in strolling through my departments. You will flnd it a source of pleasure to be able to read the price on every article in plaiQügures, and it is a matter of satisfaction to know that this price is the lowest One possible, that those who are well posted, and those who are not posted, man or child, all get equal satisfaction here; that's the foundation upon which this business has been built. 1 have anticipjited the wants of all for the coming glad seaso'n, and have given special consideration to the flnancial part of the question, which meaos that all prices have been crowded down to the lowest limit. My stock is large, but many of the most choice things will be picked uu by the early buyers. I urge you not to delay, but to make your selections as early as possible. Goods can be ordered now and set aside for future deliverv. if desired. Look at some of these prices: Upholstered Kackers at $2.75, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75, $4.00, $5.00, and very fine ones up as high as $10 and $15. Parlor Suits: $19, $25, $32, $40, $50, $75, and $100. Onyx Stands as low as $5.50. Music Stands and Cabinets froni $2.50 upward. Easels as low as 75c, $1.00, $1.25, etc. Prices on all other goods as low in propörtiön. MARTIN HALLER Telephone 148. 52 S. Main & 4 UT. Liberty Sts., Passenger Elevator. Ann Arbor, Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News