1861 On Wednesday, Dec. 12th 1894
We will make our usual Exhibit of UOLÏÏDA.Y OOODS. As to prices, none are higher and many are lowerthan last season. We have many Novelties and will be able to make a display of stoc equal to any ever made in Central Myhigan. From Dee. 12th to 25th we will sell CANDIES and NUTS at the following prices: - Assorted Stick Candy at 7 c per pound. Good Mixed Candy at 7 c per ponnd. Fine Mixed Candy at 8c per pound. Cream Mixed Candy at lOc per ponnd. Good Chocolate Candy at .....11c per pound. Best Chocolate Candy at 18c per pound. Mixed Nnts at 1 c por pound. We invite in speet ion or' our Stock !___ j -- 44 South Main Street, fieai) cl KjO.j ann arbor, Michigan.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News