Palpitation Of The Heart
fr Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Legs and Feet. "For about four years I was troublcd with palpitation of the heart, shortuess of breath and swelling of the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I was treated by the best physiciaas in Savannah, Ga., with no relief. I then tried various Springs, without benefit. Finally I tried Dr. Miles' Heart Cure also his Nerve and Li ver Pilis. AJIer beginniruj to take tliem 1elt betterl I continued taking them and I am now in better health than for many years. Since myrecovery I have gained flfty pounds in weight. I hope this statement may be of value to soine poor 8ufferer. " E. B. SOTTON. Way8 Station, Ga. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ia sold on a positivo rurantee Ibat the tirst bottle will benefit. Alldruggists8ellitat$l, 6 bottles for 15, or itwül besent, prepaid, on receipt of prico by the Ur. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Sold by Drugglsts Everywhere.
Ann Arbor Argus
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