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Utincoimlnj Imn seen. - Albany Argus. IN THE North American Review are always round The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time. ïiie Nqbth American Bbvíbw ís recognized on both sides of the Atlantic as the foiemost lleview in the Knglish language, and no expeoditure la spared in maintainingit in its unrivalJed position. The Bbvikw is the mouthpiece of tlie men and women who know most about the great topics on which Amerícans require and desiretobeinformed from mouth to moiitli. lts list of contributors í'orins a roll of the repiesentative men and women ot' the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN receive constant and special attention. Ainong topics recently discussed are: "WomtMi Suffrage in Practlce"; "l'he RenaisiiDCL- of Woman"; 'Woman iu Politics"; 'Tho New Aspect of the Woman Question," and "The Modern Girl," bv theauthorof "The Heavenly Twins": "The Suture of Mariiage"; "Rvils of Eaily Marriagas"; "Tlie Nervant Uirí of the Future": "The Financial Dej)endnceof Women"; "Trades-Unions for Women"; "Tlie Lack of Good Servants": 'American Liteand Physical Deterioration" : "Good and Bad Motliers"; "The Tyranny of tho Kitt-hen": "Tlie Amateur NuKe"; MarkTwain's Ftefcnseof Hariiet. Shelly. etc., etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Kkvieu wïii publl8hlnl2chapteis.bepinnin.L; witli tbsJanuary nuniber, the Personal HIstory of the Second Empire. a historica! work of arisurdassed importan cé, ivliich wil] tbrow a (lood of new lig-ht upoli the -hetjueri'(l caieer of Napoleon 111 , and tlip InBaenoes whlcli led to the callapscof his Empire in flii' (fiiantic strugglo with uuitud Gertnany, undrr Wilhelm 1. ;md liis Iron Chancellar, il isas faHetofttias is a romance, leinur Hcblyanecdotal and fml of Information drawn fioni sources hitherto lnaocesaible, iiresented in the Krapbio and vivacious style iiieh "The ICiipliKliinan in Pans," by the same author, has made familiar to thouxands of readers. 50 Cents a Copy: $5.00 a Tear. The North American Review, 3 Eust i jUi SI., New Vork.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News