Wilson Has A List
Washington, Dea 18. - Wllson of West Virginia, chuiriuun of the house coimniitee un ways and nicans, believes that the present shoukl be an active session of congrets. 'The session," said he "should not be a routine one. As the chances for re-! trieving Democratie supremacy depend on a fuü and sol id record of reform legislation, to do little or nothing exeept pass the appropriation bilis and the loa?i list of mensures said to have been afreed on by ome of our party lendf"--; would justify the charge that tho D. . ■. ratic party is mciipable of an affirmai .: and coherent polioy. The country and ilie Democratie party, have i right to voto on the substituto tariff bilis sent to the senate. Other Measm-es He Advocati-d. "ïhere are some amendments to the alministrative parts of the tariff bill suggested by the treasury department that cali for action. Our treaty and trade relations wlth üermnny demand the repeal of the digcrhulnatlng tnx against Germui sngar, and the protection of our own people against the trust eaüs for the repea of the one-eighth protection on rofinet sugars. Opponents of the income tax are told by the friends of the trust thafc the re peal of these two differentials is in the in terest of the tax. On the contrary suel repeal would some at increase tlie import of refined silgar, add to our revenía and moderate the power of the trust over American oonsumers. IMnger iu Too Much Counsel. "We should pass a broad banking bill ïhere is danger of the cominittce being asked to give too much time to hearings after it hag potten through with the men whose counsel is really valuable. If the biU prepared by Mr. CarllBle, amended aud perfected if need be, could be gotten through tlie house before tho holidays there would be ampie Mine for its consideration in the seiuite even with their pros'ut rules, and of course iny suggestions imply some change in those rules, for I beHeve that if our poople do not adopt some sort of previoug question to dispose of rehef measures, the Republicans will adopt it to pass their measures." Tried to Pass One of the Uil Is. The reply of the senate to Wilson's proposition that the "popgun" bilis shoukl be passad was given during the session, umi though not decisivo was agaiiist the Virginia statesmans views. Senator Gray attenipteil to have considerad the bill rêported from the flnance committce striking out all the differential duties in favor of reflned sugar and leaving all sugar dutiable at 40 per cent. ad valorem. There were a great many absentees, so that the defeat was not so decisive as to discourage further cfforts of the same kind. (ray's motlon was defeated by a vote of S to !;7, all the Republicans voting no and being joined by Allen, Hlanchard, Martin, and Peffer. lt-;it a Clogure Alotiou Alao. A majority of ten was against a motlon to take up a plosure resolutioti and indicates, it is believed, that there is no probability of changing the rules at this session. The motion was niiide by Vest, anti it was defeated by a vote of 24 to 34.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News