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Senate And House In Brief

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Washington, Dec i; - The - passod a bilí with ...wm r fronj private ■ntry certain land-, in ! !i lortlwest, as a ineasure of raiief to drougtii-strieken settlcrs. Motiousto take up Uie silgar bilí and the clut uro resol utiou rere rejected. Plutt urged acción ou tho blll making a new tenitoiy of tiie land occapiod by .■ivil,-(l Inüi;i7i rribcs in órdov to brtng ilint t.-rritoiy under the Inw. A nnmbc'r o ponsioo billa wci-c passed, includiiigono for clu; n-idow of Gonrral Banks ot' $IM per uioiith. Nicaragua canal tull -.iiiic up aud .Mï!(.!i] gaye the sonutc seoKon Ntt oí lus speech. An executlve sos-ion wus heul. The house wout nto conunittee on ihc urgent defldeocy bilí, and i Úyely debato was had on ttoe clauae nppropriatíng money Loexecute the income tHx law, wllich was adopted, and money for ípccial pension eiamlners, vrhlch was not vpteil upon. Thuraday, Doc. 30, was set asideforthe dclic. ion of the statues oí .Jolni .tark and Daniel Webster.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News