The Evening News
W 1(60,00011 i 'f &Sm&r "The Great DaíIy of Michigan." I YOTJR HOME PAFER cannot be replaced by cven t r . publicationsfromlargercities; thev cannot supply ccanpletely the many items of home news that are of the r greatest interest, bat for State, National, and world -wide news, the greater ( paper must be looked to. The Detroit Evknjng News stands as tho ! leader in the State, and shonld go hand in band with yotir home paper f! % a cent. Pin copt. Xhc Evening News 1.8B ro 3 Honths by mail. DETROIT, MlCH ij síS Agencies In every vülage, town and city in the State of Michigan, öA(
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News