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Poor Health No Appetite

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Mrg.SarahÉ FeiMP Neuralgia - Very Miserable Hood's Sarsaparilla Cave Cood Health. (.1. Hood & ('o., Lowell, Mass. : "Aboutone ago, I was in very poor health and had no appetlte. I could not work, for I (id not have any energy. I was suffering with neuralgia and the pain was intensifled by my being kicked by a horse. Altogetlier I Was Very Miserable and had fallan away so that I only weighed nlnety pounds. I took doctor's medicine, but it did me no eood. Percliance I noticed an advertijemcntof Hood's Sarsaparilla üi the Chrlstian y.mnqelUt. I sent at once for a bottle of the medicine. When I liad emptied the bottle my appetite was quit good and I was A Cood Deal Stronger. I therefore kept on until I had taken three bottlM. By Üiat time I was well, and my weight Hood'ssïCures had increased to 120 pounds. Mrs. Sakah K. Felt, Waltz, Michigan. Hood's Pilis cure oonstipation by restor4ng the peristalUcactionoí the alimentary canal.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News