ivi. . in oyes and ramily aregoin? to spend the holidays at Grand Rap ids with their son-in-law, J. H. Osborn. Olive Lodge, F. & A. M., elected officers, Tuesday night, as follows: W. M., R. S. Armstrong; S. W., I George Ward; J. VV., L. T. Freeman: Sec.J. D. Schnaitman;Treas., H. S. Holmes; S. D., Edward Vogel; J. D., Ed. Rook; Tyler, W.B. Sumner; Stewards, E. Dancer, J.B.I Cole. Olive Lodge, F. & A. M., will give a banquet on the i8th ot this month, and will entertain the Manchester and Grass Lake lodges. Congressman Gorman left last Sunday for Washington, to attend the session of congress. P. J. Lehman and family have moved bag and baggage to Ann Arbor, where Mr. Lehman will be deputy county treasurer after January ist. The Canadian Jubilee Singers sung at the town hall, Tuesday night last week, and the Heberlein concert company on Wednesday night, and both were well attended. The hard times do not prevent people from attending entertainmënts. The new Congregational church bell was hung last week, and is a good one. ] ne market kept steady and receipts liberal til l the going broke up. Wheat, 50c for red and 51c for white; oats, 30c; rye, 46c; barley, 95c; beans, Si. 30; clover seed, $5; eggs, 17c; butter, 16c. Foddering began here about three weeks earlier than usual, and the winter will be a long one for stock. The early frost and snow caught a large aniount of carrots and turnips out doors, and quite a lot of the turnips are still out. Quite a large number from here went to Ann Arbor last Tuesday night, to attend the governor's reception. Eleven business places in this village are lighte with are lights. The Steinbach block is nearing completion, and will be dedicated by a supper and dance on the Tth of this month. The special commissioners on Mili Lake drain have sustained the drain commissioner's order of determination, and tint drain will proceed. The McLaughlin road, laid many years ago in Lyndon, will ncw be opened and worked. New cutter.s have arrived, but their sale is slow, whüe the mud is six inches deep. B. H. Glenn has started north on a week's visit among relatives and friends. The Misses Anna and Bell Beman were guests of their sister the last part of the week, and attended church here, Sabbath. The arrangement for altérnate preaching service here miscarried, and until further arrangement will have preaching once in two weeks, by Kev. Marsh, of Waterloo. The first sudden and hard freeze nipped quite a few potatoes in the pits. A young son of H. V. Heatley is quite sick. Gib May and Will Mills are on the sick list. The muskrat houses were never so far from the shore of the lake as they are this season, in the memory of the oldest rat around the lake. If picking up a whip in the road constitutes ownership, why 111 catch on. If not, I wish the one that picked up my whip would return the same, soon. Mr. Will Cooper, of Mt. Pleasant, is visiting among relatives about ïere now-a-days. Trappir.g has commenced around the lakes here. Skunks, coon mink and rats are not as plenty as they have been in times gone by. Fred Daniels and brother, of Gregory, stave cutters, are buying all the stave timber to be had now, as they intend to move the mili further north as soon as the little timber left about here is in. It is thought by a person just getting a patent through the patent office, that if the lawyers are to make our laws a few years more it will take a lawyer to get a letter out of the postoffice. Too much red tape and green backings. Mr. James Marshall and wife, of Dansville, called on and visited reli atives the last of the week. Mr. Alfred Glenn and Mr. Hartley Bland go to Florida in about a 1 week from now to save buying winter clothing and business affairs. . The school here is full, lacking I one seat, just one left for visitors, j who will have to go one at a time ! or be compelled to stand or make others do so. The school is well spoken of. R. S. Whalain and wife visited at 1 Ann Arbor, Thursday and Friday last. L. 1?. Taylor, of Jackson, was here on business, Tuesday. Dt-aih came to the relief of MrsJ Marshal, Tuesday evening of this week. She died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Webb. Deceased was over 90 at the time of her death, which was hastened by a fali which dislocated and broke one hip joint. Funeral from Presbyterian church, Unadilla, Friday. The old lady was highly esteemed by all who knew her in life.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News