Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
Office ofthk boakd ok Public Works, 1 Aun Arbor, Duc. 5, 189-1. ) Regular session. Ca lied to order by Pre. Claa-k. Itoll called. Present Messrs Clark, and Schuil. Absent, Mr. Bullis. Minutes of the meetings held November 21 and 28, wwe read ajid approved. By Mr. Clua-k : Resolved, Tüiat the iKwu-d o[ public works respectfully recommend to tdie common council tXxe purchasin.iï oí P. L. Bodmer a carload of 3in.xl0in. xlCft. hemlock plank, at $9 per thouk;uk1 f. o. 1. Ann Artxsr, Mich. that beiDg tlie lowest bid for same reoeivc(l by thls board. Adoptfd ae follow : Yas - Messrs. Clark and Schuh. A petition sigiied by 130 citlzens and tax payeiis of the city of Ana Arbor, Micli.. askiiig for the a-ppointment of Zenus Sweet as street commissioner, was received ajld fileil. Carlos Hill made appücatioti for the office of street commissioner, whicli was receñid md f led. Mr. ('. iW. Greemuan asked the board to do tiie necessary tilltog in at tihe culvert on Fountaiu street, between Millea1 ave. and Ghevry st. , Oai inotion of Mr. Clark the Engv neer was ordcred to nubniit a g'rade profile for street and BÍdewalk grades for Fouutani Ktreet, between M.ller avenue and Summit street. Tlic li'rk a-ead all the appropriatii)iis ;ml orders. ]asscl by ! lic coinnion co'uncil t their meeting held Dec. 3, 1804, for the Bonrd of Public Works to executc. Om inotion í)í Mr. Clark the matter of askiog for blds for repairing sag in ma:n sewer on Deiot street, was laid on the t-able fll a tul} board is. present. On motkwi of Mr. Clark the matter of ior bid.s for bnildlng the 5th word braach of the main sewer, was laid on the table, pending alteration of the sewer specifications. ()u motloo oi Mr. Clark, the clerk was ordered (to notify allof the property ownea-s on and along the east 9ide of 'Maynard str&et, between Liberty -to 'Willia-m streets, except those tliat have good walk, to construct ïiew walks, also on Se"ntli street, east side irom Huroin street, exteudLng noith to the Mr. Grovs north 1 ne. On motLön. tlie Board adiourned. Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News