Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
Office of the Boari ok Public Works, i Ano Arbor, Dec 8, 1894, 2:3(1 i. m. f Special Session. Called to order by President Clark. Roll called. Present- Messrs. Clark and Bullis. Absent - Mr. Schub, on account of business. President Clark stated that this meetI ïifj; was called to consider tbe matter of asking for bids for repairing sair in main sewer on Depot streef, which was laid on the table at the board's last meeting. Mr. Búllis moved that the matter of asking for bids to repairing main sewer on Depot street, where off grade, be now taken trom the table. Yeas - Messrs. Clark and Bullis. Mr. Bullis moved that the Clerk advertise for sealed tenders for the rebuilding of the main sewer of Depot street, where off grade, bids to be received up to and irfcluding Dec. 17, 1894, at 12 o'clock noon. Yeas - Messrs. Clark and Bullis. Mr. Bullís moved that tbejEngineer is hereby directed to examine the sewer on Depot street, where off grade, and uiake sucli plans and specincations to rit this particular sewer to be reconstructed. Yeaa - Messrs. Ciarle and Bullis. On motion the board adiourned. Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News