Mortgage Sale on Foreclosure. [VÜT10E IS HKKKltV GIVEN THAT i;Y i" vimu'i.f ibviiowiroi salecontained in a certaln ludenture of mortftaae. [-■arm.' date th 16th day ofjuly 1-T4. made bi Samuel Sem-y. toen of the city and i-ountj o1 Jacksou and stut i of Michigan, of the flrt part. lo.lolm s. Hurd. of same place, of the seooiid part, wtrlch said mortgaguwaa reoordedra tbe offioe of the Register of üeeas for Washtenaw uuunty, Michigan, on thelTth Öay of July, 1874, lu libar SS of Mortgagee uo page iO . and waa tbereafterby deedof aaslgtfment, üate the luth day of December, 1888 ilul.v asslgrned to L r. Hurd and Frank U Smith, executors of the lat wlli and testament of suid. John S. riurd, tlieii deceased, to Patton Morrjgon.of the city mul countv of .lavkson and .state of Michigan, whloh gaid assürnment w:iduly rceorrled on the Isth dav Of January,, in the oftlce of the Register of Deeds for ashtenaw county uforcsiiid, in liber k of Assij-rnments of Wortgages, on pagro 184. uhichsaid mortKajit' tbereafter dul.v assitrnert liy Q. K. Byrne, e.xecutor of the last wlll and testament of said Patton M rrlsou, by docd of asslpinmeni dated Peptember 1. 1803, umi reootded In the Keglster's otfiee for aid Washtenaw 'county. In Tl Her 11 of Assík - ïneutH of Mo'tgajteg nt ■ ae 153 on September 4, 189H. thesalcf power ol salé .,i sala mortgave Imrfnjr in mr onerative by reason ol default haring been mude n the ronült'tnis of said mortgage, tue i-amc vviü be foreolosed by of the iuoiiyn)ieri thnreln described, or so mucn of thein a símil he Qeoesary tosatitify the airount due ou paid mortfrave at the date bereof, together vrltb Interest, onsts and expenses of Bale allowed bylaw. The amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of this notioe la the suni ofnine thous.'iml elirht hundred nlnetyseven and 27-100 dollars. Suid sale will le held and made at the front door of the Court House in thel'ityof Anti Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw (that beiiifr the place where the circuit court for said county is held) on the sixteenth day of February, 18Uf, at eleven o'cloc.k in the lorenooo. Tlie premises so to be offered for sale are discribed in said mort gage üs follows, to-wit: All tliose certain piecenor parct-lsof land sitinite in the town of Lima in the county of Washtenaw and state oí Michigan, and described as lollows, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of sectlon seveuteen: the south Öfty acres frora olV the east lialf of the uortbeast ciuarter of section number nineteen, with the rlght of way ; and the east half of the uortuwest ou;irter of section seventoon. and the eoutficast quarter of the southwest quarter of section number eisht, all in towu two south of range four east. reserviiijr from the iirst above desoribed plece, one aore ou the easterly part thereof. which Hes south of the road- in all three hundred and t wenty-nine aeies of land. Dated, this 20tli dav of Ñovemher, 1S9-1. tiAimiET MOKRISON. Asslgnee of Mortgage. HARKWOKTH & BLAIK. Attorneys for Asignee. Commlssioners1 Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigTied h;iine beanappointed by the Probate Court for said County, Cominissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claim and demands of all persons atjainst the estáte ol James Sage, late ot' said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims axainat the estáte ol said deceased, and that thevwill meet at the hUert'fideuc-1 of sftid deceased, in the lownship of Iodi, i ti said County, on the I9th day of tVbruuryand 00 the 20th day of May next, at ten o'clodt a. ir. ofeach of sain days, to receive, examine and odjuat said claims. Dated, November 19. 18X4 ALFKHD M0ORK, PIIIUP BLUM. Jr„ Oommissioners. Estáte of Jane Nelson. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, es. At a session of the Probate Court for th' County of Washtenaw, holdtn at the Probate Office in the City ot Ann ArHor, on Ñiouday, the lHth day of November, in the yeux )ne tbousand eiirhi htiudred aod nir.ety-four. rreseot.J.WillHid iiubbitt, Jud({e of l'rohate. In the matter ol the estáte of Jane Nelson, leceaied. Onreadingand filiug tbc petirlon duly verllied f LeoDbar' Gruner, admidistiHtor. praying that ie nay be lieenaed to seli the real estáte wuereef iaicl decesed died aeized. Therenpon tt ib ordered, that Monday. the !4tb y ot December next. at teu o'clock u tbe fortnooii, ie assienod for the hearug of ï.aid petition, and tliat the heirs tl law of aaid deomaed and all other persoue ntereetedin said BEtftle. urv Toiuirta' to ppeat it a eession ui sai.i Udurt, th"u tob holden at tbe Probate Oftice, in tbe city of Ami Arbor, and flmw euupe, if a? tbp'ii be, wby theprayer oí the pptltioner sbould not be granted : And it is further oíílered. AHid petittooer We notie, to thQperaoos. in ereated In fiáid estáte ol the pendeucy ofsaid petition, and the ij eariue thereof, njg a eopy of thia order to be puMished in [he.ANN Arbor Arotj. a new.-papir pnofd n;fl cirrnlatluj; iu said CouDty.tbree .sufcessive tveekö previous to stiid day of hearine, J. WÍLI.ARD BAnBfTT, [A true copy] Judge of Probate. Wii.r.iAM (J. Dotv. Probate Reïister. Estáte of Zachary Roath iJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wash0 tenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probaie ' iftice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the seveoth day of December, in the year one thou and eiiiht hundred and ninety-four. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Zachary Boatu, deceased. On reading and tilins tlie petition, duly veritied, of John K. Miner. praying tliat a certain instrument now on file in this Court, purportintr to be the la-twill and testament of said deceased may be adniitted to probate and that administration oi' said estáte may be Sranted to himself, tlie exeoulor in eaid will iiamed, or to some other sultable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Mouday, the 31st day of December, instant, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of said petition. and that the (ievlsees, leiratees, and helrs at law of said deceased, aod all other persons interested in said estatu, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor and show cautie, if anv there be, why the prayer ot the petitioner should not begranted: And it is furtlier ordered that ■iaicl petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition. and tlie hearing thereA, by causing a copy of this order to be pubÍi8hed in the Ann Arbor Arrus. a newspaper printed and vin-ulated in said county, three 3uccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. -.viLLARD HABliiTT. [A true copv.l Judge of Probate. WiLiiiAM G. Doty, Probate Keitister. Proposals For Wood. Sealed priposals for 7,"i to 100 cords of hard wood, four feet lony;. sawed ends, yoiuiK. irreen body or stniirht hloköry, hard maple jnd tecond grO"tn white or ellow upland oak, in quantities of no lesstban ten eords. Eind il to 25 cinls of basswood.good quality, will be received by the uuitersigned until thy Bfth day ot D. cemtor, 1894. inclusive, up to 6 p. m. The wood to be delive-ed in the uext thiriy davs afte' awardlng the contract, at the different school houses, in sacb quantities af directedi Tha ri'ht to rejeel anv and all offers Is reserv.d. U GEUNEK, No. H Pouth Main St. Fruit Trees! If you intend to set out Peach, Pear, Apple or Fruit Trees of anv kind, you will savfi money by writiiiK to the MICHIGAN NURSERY CO., MONROE.' MICH. They have the best and hardiest vanetles for this part of the country. Small Fruits of Al! Kinds, and u lari;e assoriment of the best and hardiest Roses, Shrubbery and Urnaiiiental Trees and Planls. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. [The only Art l'eriodical awaided a Medaltlt the World's Fair.) InvaluabU to all whu winh U makt their IMny by art or to make their home be.autlful FflP Iflf wo H'"' se"d to an.Y one f rui IVU mentiomuK 'his publica]ñt tion a specimen copy, wilh superb JLW color plates (fpr.oopylng or f raming) and 8 suppleruentary pages of designs (regular price 33w. Or FOK 5c we will send also ■■PaliitiiiK for Beginners" (90 pages). HONTAGI'K 1HARKÜ, 23 I 11 um Square, X. V. gffjj ELECTRIC TELEPHONE í_3 j' SoUl oritrisbt, do rent, nu royalty. Adupted L1 to City, VillHB or ('omifrv. Naedsd in evpry - JÍCti home, shop, store nnd office. Grentest couveu■ ienco anti tj f :r!r onenrth. %,-.vit-, nuike rVum ï.9 111S0O iM-1 -tl . Oikï in u reside loe tnufil a nía to uil iho 1 ■- ï _ neïphbiin. '■ in intrunients, no toys, woi k i mi) where. .uiy dlstance. Oon-piete, rendy ior 1 f ri'.t wlün hipred ' in be put up by tony ora, i neveront of order, no n-MU'iu', lont a I . 1 1 mi' Wjirnnrwl. A money niiir'r. 'rit - iW.P, HarrtscnüCo . Cietk 0. CoUimbus. 0
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News