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Mystic Mystery

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I Eau Claip.e. Wis.. Dea W.- Dr. Georgu W. Pickin and his son Asigal were irraigncd in a nacked qonrt room. Dr. Pickin enterad lcanlng heavlly 071 tlicarin i of his partner. Di1. Stanton. His face wa Ipftleandhe seemed very wrak. ShOrtly afterward Asigal Pickin entered tlie room, guardcd by the deputy sheriff. He wiw müing, but his countenance and actiou showod a good deal of District Attorney i'rawley read the information totiie cotrt, oharging tho prlsonora with criminal assanlt. Upon bWigasked Mie question "guilty or uot guilty:-" both father and son pleoded "not guilty" simultaneously. On requot of defendftnt attornoy the ca-so was adjoiirnetl. The Two Girls Uiiiier the "lnfluence." Since Saturday ovening Mal)el Briggi and Alnni Leonard have been the objecta of the assiduous Care of two physicians and a inesineric operator, as woll as of the pareuts of the two girls and friends and relativos, who have crowded the Leonard residenco, where (Jie girls have boen sinco tho time named ïhev have eaten littlo and slept little. Mabel was taken to tho Leonard residence at tho request of Alma, who told her parents Saturday night that she was giving way to somothing sho couldn't hold out against. She wanted Dr. Ashum to bring hor out, and said if 6he were npt brought out so that sht could help Mttbel, the latter might dio. Alma said: "Dr. Ashum can bring mn out and I can bring Mabel out, and you must bring her to me." Keinarkable luings 'of 3;i)-l. Mabel, it her home a mile away, WBB at this same time telling her párente in writing substantially the same thing. These two girls had Dot been togethor or coiuniumeated since about 8ípt. i last. Malnl, who could not speak, wrote f rom riglit to left in reversed letters that Dr. Pickin had hypnotized her, that he was controllmg lier, that no one but Pickin was causing her any trouble, that nobody could help hor but Alma Leonard, that she (Mabel) was suffering pain and would die unlesá Alma helped hor. Alma at the same tima was telling at her homo what Mabel was doing and wrlting at her home. This is proved by unlmpeachablo testimony. Mabel at this time was so weak that Mr. Leonard, who callcd tor her, carried her to the carriage in his arma. Dr. V-hum Vues Mesmerism. Whcn he arrived at tlie Leonard ro3idenco Dr. Asluim mid Dr. D. W. Day were there, aml tlie former remained all that night. Both tho girls reimiinod drosscni, u 1 1 t Siit ov rcclinod in rooking chaire. Ur. -A-mm employed on Alma thu niosmoric in.'.ms of strokfng the forehead and also sugestlona by sharp exclamations and coiiimands to wake. He liad previously attempted to arouse Mabel, but decided that Alma's suggestion had best De (ollowed, as Mabel was beconilng clangorously weak.


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