Came Out Of Their Trances
Alma parfcl'y recovero;! her self-opíltrol I' early Sundáy inorning, iincl declaring that she was freed f rom tlio iiifluonco, laughing, said: "Sow, Mabel, I'll flx yon all right, and wc wU be thc happiest girls la thc world." Shc theu prooceded to rchypnotizo Mabel by tho same procoss. It took about an hour for her to restore Mabel to such a'condition that she was ablo to articúlate. The íirst words Miibel said wcre: "If it wasn't for you. Alma, I wonld have died," Slio rose from her chair and kissed Alraa. During the following twenty-four hours both girls had relapses, though going to bed and falling into healthful sloep for a timo Sunday Qlght. At night Mabel slept healthfuliy, but Alma was in a serious condition until i o'clock in the morning, when she vvent to sleep. Both were in nourly normal oonditiou next day. Grave fears wore onter tained at times that Alma watí on the verge of a fatal collapse. Several times sho exclaimed: "Thoy're getting me! They've almost got me! ïhoy are vvorking on me right boro on the back of my head!" tíhe was ïvclining in a rocking clmir whilf the mesmeric operator, a magnetic hcaler named Hansoo, was 6troking her forehead and limbs and talkiny oucouraglngly to her and trylng toassure her she was not under control. Tinally she was made to rise and walk up and down the house, and afterward wap put to bed and feil asleep. under the BUggestlon to her given by the operator that slie must sloop quietly and would wake up well in the morning. During tinperiod when the giris were under tho supposed liypnotic spoll their eyes wero eloscd, their cheeks slightly flushod, and the extreniities cold. Mabel was unable to talk, though Alma could. The formor's pulse feil sometlmes to 43. They answeivd questloiis put to them by the operator, Mabel ín writing and Alma verbally. Tlu-y seemed tu hear nothing oxcept what the operator said, or the voices of those nearest them at tho time they had fullen under the control. Wille Alma was oporatlng oü Mabel the lattor wvs taken to tho piano and played several pieces. Whilo Alma was under the spell sho was told by Dr. Ashum that her name was ïïobody, and she eontinued to reíspond to that namo after sho camo out of tho trance. Mabel was told her name was Jenny and responded to that name, and tho girls for twenty-four hours addressed oaoh other by the new names thus given by hypnotic suggestions.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News