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Before The Lexow Committee

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NEW Yoi:k, Deo. 18. - lohn V. Goff opened up the Bession of the Lexow conlmittec by oalllng lor Charles A. Grant, who for a long timp was ex-Police CommUsioner SScClave'sseoréfcary. "Of oourse, 1 know,1' said doft, "that he will not appcar, been use he is in Asbury Park, beyond the reach of the committoe; but I would like to take thl-i opportunity of stating that while in his office he beeanio possessed of $70, OJO worth of real estáte, and we aro now jireparod to prove thnt h accepted Innumerable bribes, whicli accounts lor li is wealth. " Ktionne Boyer, ex-pnlicenmn, testlfled that ho sued Captain Murphy for t350,und might have threatened to ruin Murphy. Asked how he hnppnd to have t35) he Eald he playpd poker and tho races occasioiially, but denied that he ever collected jnoney from tho disortlurly houses. Ex-Captain John Gunner said he was ntired on $1,!W(' a year pension to mako room for Htrans, who wantod the appointment. Ex-InspeoCor Steers, ex-Captain Yulos and ex-Captain Tracy all testifled that thoy had been 'fired'' on pensions to make room lor other men. Golï cited the of ex-Sertfeant ilulvey who was retlred on tl,0 K) a year pension and is now earniog $-,000 on tho Brooklyn foroe Rov. Dr. John B. Wilson told of his forts to simt up policy shops, in which the pólice gavi! liint no hulp. Senator O'Connor askeil him whethor ho thought it wise to ootonizo the disreputable women of the city. He replied: "No; I do iiot think so. 'J'iu; minute that you Uo so vou tiiko a step towards the abolltton of marriftge. ' '


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News