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One Brother Tries To Murder Another And To Cremate Himself

One Brother Tries To Murder Another And To Cremate Himself image
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WlNKlPKO, Deo. 18.- A Langdonburg, Atninnlwln, special to The Free Pres? n;iys: Churley Forwnrd and liis brothei William were living together about twelve miles from town. While Williani was stooping down to raise a pot to put on the stove his brotlier struek hini on the back of the neck with an ax, putting his hoad frightfully, and wlmn he feil juinped on hiui with a knife, cuttlng his face and neck and taking one ear off. He then sprinkled him with coal oü and set n're to him. William, liaving enough life and courage lcft, orawled out into the snow to a bluff, whöre he nntnageil to put out the flre. Ho was found by the neighbors in a dyin.a eondition. The neighbors then went in soarch of Charley, and found him f rozen to death in hls house. Ho had started a flro in tho cellar and stretched hiniseli down across the doorvay to await his end by flre, hut in the meautime was frozen to deatli.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News